Chapter 13

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**Devin's POV**

I sat on the couch next to Matt and simply held him. After Regan's bomb he was a mess. No other word to describe him. He hadn't said much since she'd called and I knew he thought she wass gonna have her way. She wouldn't, though. Not if I could help it.

I'd called my mom and asked her to keep the boys a little longer. Matt needed a little while to calm down.

"She can't take them from us, Matt..." He finally looked up at me and he looked... broken. I'd never seen him like this, and it hurt me. "I think you need to see the boys."

He simply nodded and I pulled him up from the couch and held his hand as we made our way down to the car. I didn't let go of his hand the whole drive to my mother's house. Silence filled the car around us and I didn't even try to make conversation. I knew exactly how he felt, I felt the same way, but I needed to stay strong for him.

I loved those boys just like they were my own. I considered them my own! Matt and the triplets were my entire world.

I couldn't let Regan,or anyone else, take that away from me when I'd finally just gotten it.

**Matt's POV**

I picked up my cellphone from the coffee table. Sitting in Lori's house with the boys had helped me pull myself together some. Devin had been explaining everything to his mom since we got here. She took it worse than me. I hugged Benjamin closer to my chest as I put the phone to my ear.

"Have you decided to give them to me without all this legal nonsense?" Regan's voice answered politely over the line.

"Not even in your dreams." I retorted. "In fact, I was just calling to tell you that I want a court date this weekend. Y'know, just to get this business of you thinking you're getting my kids out of your head."

"Your kids?" She hissed back. "I went through more work getting them here than you did!"

"You're right. But, you've done little to nothing keeping them here. You know what, Regan? How about we meet up and have an adult conversation about this before we get the law involved?" She was silent. "I know you can't say the same, but raising children has matured me a lot. So, what do you say? Let's meet somewhere tomorrow? I'll buy you lunch."

"Fine, Matthias! But you're gonna regret what you just said to me, you bastard." She assured with finality.

"We'll see." I ended the call and looked up to see Devin looking at me doubtfully.

"If you're looking to piss her off, good job."

"Language!!" Lori scolded as she walked in, stooping to pick Drew from in front of the television. She held him to her, squeezing the air out of his lungs with her death hug.

"Babies breathe, too, Mom." Devin told her sarcastically, taking a seat next to me on the love seat.

"Oh, hush. I'm just upset." She told him, but relented her grip on my son. She didn't seem to notice the lack of space between Devin and I. I wouldn't care if she knew about us, but I didn't need a big fuss over it right now. I had enough on my mind.

"I'm meeting with Regan tomorrow to have a talk. Maybe, a mature conversation will make her realize raising triplets is hard."

"Can't you just have joint custody?" Lori reasoned.

"She refused our offer." Devin interjected. "We even told her she could come see them and maybe take them out or something. She wants them all to herself."

Lori didn't say anything. She was probably shocked having never met anyone with such few manners to say something along those lines.

"Don't worry," I said, patting Ben's back lovingly. "If it's war she wants, it's war she'll get..."

MatthiasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon