Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to theskyaboveus for making the cover! Thanks! <3

 **Matt's POV**

"This better be worth the money you made me spend on it!" I snapped, slapping Devin in the back of the head as we made our way up the stairs of our new apartment complex.

"It is! I swear." He assured while rubbing the spot on his head where I'd hit him.

I shrugged as he stopped at a green door and pulled out a key, "I guess anywhere is better than staying at your house anymore." I smiled positively.

He looked at me and pretended to be sincerely hurt. "I can't be that bad."

He pushed the door open and we are hit with the stuffy air coming out of the room.

"You're right." I said making my way to the air conditioner. Devin smiled. "You're worse. In fact you're the worst roommate I've ever had. You snore and talk in your sleep. Plus, the couch in your room is really uncomfortable."

He scoffed, "Aren't you nice? Speaking of roommates, have you talked to Adam since you moved out?"

"Nah, he's probably ecstatic to have his own room. I know I am!" I said and walk into the master bedroom of the three bedroom apartment.

"Dibs!" He called, running past me to belly flop into the mattress.

I laughed and stood in the doorway. "You're so mature."

"You're just made I called it first," he taunted and laughed as I stuck my tongue out at him. "Who's immature now?"

"In all seriousness," I said, but I was still laughing so it didn't come out as very serious. "I think this room needs to be the nursery. I mean, the nursery has to fit all the needs of three babies."

"Oh, alright." He said disappointed.

I smiled at him and walked out of the room. "Come on, let's go get the sheets and stuff."

We walked out of the room and pushed each other around as we made our way down to his car. We were just having fun and being boys. Sadness hit me as I realized this would be one of the last chances we got.

Devin popped the trunk and pulled out a SpaceBag full of quilts and blankets. I stooped to get the tub that held the full-sized sheets and three sets of sheets that would fit the cribs Devin's mother ordered for us. We walked back to our apartment, goofing off less this time.

"Did you get that job at McDonald's?" I asked Devin.

"Yeah. That and your job should pay the rent for this place. No doubt we'll get food stamps, so we have no reason to worry about groceries."

"That's one thing I've never learned about you."

"What is?" He seemed confused.

"Can you cook?"

He laughed at my random question and nodded. "Can you?" He countered.

"Not on your life." I answered quietly.

"That's okay, Matt. I'll teach you!"

We made it back to our apartment, through the bags down, and made our way back down to get the clothes and cleaning supplies we brought for the weekends.

"We really have to clean this whole apartment by ourselves?" I asked. Lazy, I know, but aren't we all?

"Yes, we do. And we have to start with the nursery so we can put the cribs together when they get here tomorrow."

Ugh, too much work!

**Devin's POV**

I watched Matt as he turned away from me, taking his clothes to his new bedroom. I walked to mine, which is right across from his.

I should be happy to be living with my best friend for the next few years, but I really wasn't. This couldn't possibly go well. How are you supposed to live with the person you're in love with, and not give away your feelings? I didn't know, but I was about to give it one helluva try.

"Devin, this apartment has rats!" I heard him scream from across the hall. I walked through the door of his bedroom to see him standing on the bare mattress pointing at the opposite wall.

I looked to where he was pointing and saw a great big fake mouse. I laughed and walked over to it.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled as I stoop to pick it up.

"Matt, calm down! It's fake." I waved it around in front of his face as proof.

"Why would it be here?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Maybe whoever lived here before us thought it would freak someone out."

"Well, they were right!" He jerked the toy out of my hand and threw it into my room through the open doors. "Punks." He mumbled.

I smiled at him, "Come one, lets go clean the kitchen then order some pizza."

He jumped off the bed and ran out of the room toward the small kitchen. "PIZZA!"

"Matt, will you chill out!? We do have neighbors, ya know."

"Yeah, I know. I just don't care." He shrugged, picking up the broom. "This is a lot to clean up!" He complained.

"If you don't whine the whole time, it should only take about an hour to clean the whole place. The mess is mostly dust."

He sent me a glare, "I don't complain. I was just expressing my discomfort."

"I'm pretty sure that's the dictionary definition of complaining."

He stuck his tongue out at me childishly. I bet his kids pick up on that habit. He did it more than what should be legal. I laughed to myself.

We finally finished the kitchen and called in for a pizza.

"Do we have satellite?" Matt asked me as he jumped over the back of the couch and settled in the middle. He picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

"I don't know. Don't really care! Go get the pizza," I told him as I picked up the little Shop-Vac and walked to the nursery.

He groaned, but stood up and I soon heard the door shut as he walked out. Matt was one lazy guy. His kids would probably starve to death or something if I hadn't decided to help him. That makes one good thing out of this decision. Who knows, maybe Matthias would be to busy pulling his hair out because of three screaming babies to notice my feelings for him. I sure couldn't hide them long if I was living with the guy!

Hello, readers! Sorry that this is REALLY boring, but it's kind of just a filler chapter. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment. Love reading comments xD

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