Chapter 23

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**Matt's POV**

"What the fuck do you mean?!" Devin gasped beside me. Nyx had just relayed the information to me and I still couldn't form a single word.

"I mean, the boys are on their way here right now!"

"But, that's fantastic! Why don't you look fucking ecstatic!?" he questioned Nyx.

He didn't answer. I understood, though. I replied for him. "Because, Regan is dead."

Devin stopped. "Dead?"

"She had an overdose." Nyx continued. "My friend called me a while ago to tell me. I asked about the boys, and she had no idea what I was talking about. But, when the police contacted Regan's parents, they had them. They claim that they had no idea the boys were missing, but I don't think the cops believe them..."

The whole thing was very overwhelming. Not only was I unbelievably happy my boys were okay, I was so confused by it all.

Devin looked as speechless as I felt, but he quickly collected his wits. "Well, how long will it take for them to get here?"

Nyx checked his cellphone. "Twenty minutes? Maybe half an hour. About that, I'd say. I came over as soon as I could. Mike Fuentes said he was about to call, but I told him I wanted to tell you. He's on his way over, too, I think."

"Matt." Devin looked at me. "Matt, they're okay!" He jumped forward and wrapped his arms around my neck. I hugged him back and took a deep breath, relishing in the happiness I felt.

"I need to call my mom!" he pulled away. "You call Adam."

He pulled out his phone and walked outside. I looked back at Nyx. I understood why he looked so torn between whether he should be sad or not. We may have gotten the boys back, but he'd lost a friend. "I know you always hoped she'd get better..." I tried to comfort him, but I really didn't see a way how.

He shook his head sadly. "Some people are just too far gone, I guess. I'm just sorry for everything she's done. I wish it wouldn't have had to end this way." He sighed, but then smiled at least semi-genuinely. "But, you've got your boys back. Now, go call Adam."

I smiled softly and went to get my phone from my bedroom. I called him and he said he'd leave work and be right over.

I smiled at the thought of Adam. I couldn't be more thankful for everything he'd done for me. I'd have to find some way to pay him back.

I walked back into the living room to find Nyx talking to Devin and Officer Mike Fuentes.

"Hey, Matt." The policeman smiled.

"Hey, Mike. Anything new to share?"

He sighed. "Well, I heard Mr. and Mrs. DeVille have a pretty unbelievable story. But, I think, they're leaving it up to you if you want to press charges."

"Fan-fucking-tastic! How much longer till they get here?" I asked, walking over and grabbing Devin's hand. He smiled up at me happily.

"Any minute," Fuentes grinned. "Hey, where's Ben?"

"Asleep," Devin replied.

"Well, I guess we ought to wake him up, huh?" Nyx laughed mischievously.

"Behave!" I chuckled fondly.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He winked and hurried off towards the nursery.

Devin squeezed my hand hand smiled up at me softly. "I'm gonna go with him."

"Okay." I grinned back and gave him a quick kiss.

"Where's Adam?" Mike inquired, quirking on eyebrow.

I shrugged. "On his way." Then I realized what he was getting at. "Oh, we aren't a thing. Adam is actually my foster brother."

Mike stammered and blushed. "Oh, I just assumed..." He laughed nervously. "So, who's he then?"

I laughed at his embarrassment. "My boyfriend."

Mike paused thoughtfully, then nodded. "I see."

A knock interrupted our chat. I nearly tripped in my rush for the door. I jerked it open anxiously. Officer Tony Perry stood there with one of my boys on each hip.

**Devin's POV**

A joyful yelp from the living room started Nyx and i from our conversation. Nyx bolted for the other room and I followed behind a bit slower so as not to jostle the still groggy Ben.

Matt was standing in front of the doorway with a very attractive police officer, clutching Andrew and Cayden to his chest tightly. He had happy tears streaming his face and everybody in the room smiled at the scene before them warmly.

Ben apparently noticed his brothers, because he jerked to attention and started bouncing and cooing in my arms. I chuckled and carried him closer to his dad. Matt sobbed happily as he took them to the couch and I handed Ben over.

Nyx and the officers stood to the side talking and I sat in a comfortable silence with Matt until Adam showed up. He say by Matt and held Ben with a glad smile.

My mom barged in a while later and nearly coddled the boys to death. Everybody shared a laugh.

"Let's celebrate!" Mom called unexpectedly.

"What?" I laughed.

"No questions! We're going out!?"

I glared softly, then glanced at Matt questioningly. "Mom, they just got ba--"

"Actually, Dev, that could be fun." Matt said placing a kiss on Cayd's forehead.

I chuckled and sighed. "Fine."

Officers Mike and Tony took their leave, promising to call when they got off duty. Adam tried to leave, but we convinced him he was more than welcome to join us. Nyx was invited, as well.

The night was fun. Mom doted on the boys. Matt kept a close eye on all of them, but I don't think I've seen him happier. Nyx and Adam adjusted to everybody nicely -- especially each other. Sometimes, I'd catch Nyx wink at Adam and he'd blush and look away. I couldn't imagine a better way for things to be.

Matt looked at me over the top of Drew's head and shared a secret smile.

There really was no better way for things to be.


Okay, only the epilogue is left. Thanks for reading, lovelies! :)

Also, if you know the band Pierce the Veil, you will notice that I put two of its members as my characters! Mike Fuentes and Tony Perry just for my best friend!

-Laina R

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