Chapter 18

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**Matt's POV**

"Are you absolutely positive that this is a good idea?" I asked Devin for probably the hundredth time.

"Sure, why not?" He shrugged.

"Devin, that's not a good answer! You're not making this easier for me!" I panicked.

He laughed and gripped my shoulders. "Matt, calm down. It's okay." He assured. "They're going to be fine." 

I sighed and hesitantly nodded. Regan was going ot be taking the boys for the night, and I was really uncertain about the whole thing. The only person my boys have ever gone away with was Lori, and she was the only person I was completely okay with. 

Devin smiled and stood on his tip-toes to kiss my cheek before turning and continuing to get the boys' things together. There was a knock on the door and I shuffled glumly to the door. I opened it to reveal a very happy looking Regan. I glared and moved aside to allow her entrance. 

"You okay, Matt?" She asked, concerned.

I growled and walked into the nursery.

"Ignore him," I heard Devin apologize politely. 

I picked Ben up from his bed and he watched me curiously. "You won't ignore Daddy, will you?" He smiled brightly and I couldn't help but grin back. Tonight is going to be harder than I thought, I told myself.

Devin walked into the room and over to Drew. "Time to go, buddy." He cooed, lifting him high into the air. Regan followed Devin in and picked up Cayden. 

"So, you're taking all three of them by yourself?" I asked doubtfully. 

"She's having a friend over, Matt. You can barely handle all of them alone. How would she be able to?" Devin answered plainly.

"What's that mean?" I asked, feigning hurt. I knew it was true, but that was beside the point. 

"Don't even try that. You know what I mean. You're just trying to find excuses, so stop."

I pouted and pulled Ben closer to me. "Fine, I'll just shut up. Nobody cares what I think anyway."

"Oh, don't be so childish." He scolded and took Ben from my arms. 

"You know I'll take great care of them, Matt." Regan assured. I ignored her, of course. Nothing she could say would make me feel better about this situation. She sighed hopelessly and walked out carrying Cayd. I looked around the empty nursery and immediately decided that I didn't like sharing my kids with anyone other than Devin. 

I watched through the window as Regan's car drove away with my everything in the backseat. I was getting more and more nervous by the second. This was a bad idea! Every terrible situation possible ran through my head every second. I seriously contemplated running after her and forcefully taking them back. 

"Matt, do you wanna do something tonight? We can go see a movie or do something we used to do. It'll take your mind off things," Devin said sweetly, sitting down on the couch beside me. I shook my head. There was no way I would have any fun anyway. I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about the boys for even a moment. "Come on, babe. Stop worrying, okay?"

I looked at him stupidly. "I can't stop worrying! I keep picturing everything that could go wrong. I'm not gonna make it through the night. It's impossible!"

He smiled at me. "Yes, you are. Regan will take care of them, Matt."

"What did you have in mind to do?" I asked, giving in. He wouldn't stop trying until he'd found something to take my mind off it, so there was no point in trying. 

"Movie?" I shook my head. I didn't want to sit still for anything. "How about the skate park? I can barely remember the last time we went."

"Good idea! I think our boards are still at your mom's!" I stand up excitedly. I realized I may as well make the most of this horrible situation by spending time with Devin. I could make it through the night that way, I'm sure.


**Devin's POV**

Matt held my hand throughout most of the evening -- except, at the skate park, of course. It was nice that he didn't mind being open with me. We went to eat after we left the park and it felt almost like a real date. We were laughing and smiling the whole time and I think he finally stopped worrying about the boys a little. 

"Well, this has been fun." Matt smiled as we made it back to the apartment.

"It has," I agreed, grinning like a love-stricken school girl.

"We should make time to do it more often." He concluded, opening the front door. It was pretty late, so we both started getting ready for bed. I was standing in the bathroom brushing my teeth, when Matt came in and leaned casually against the door frame. He studied me silently for a while before I laughed and asked him what he was doing. 

He blushed and looked away. Oh, I, uh... I wondered-" He choked nervously. "W-would you stay with me tonight?" He coughed, never looking back at me. I found myself blushing as well and he spoke again before I could reply. "Oh, my God. I'm sorry. That was so stupid!" He slapped his forehead and walked away. "Fuck..." He whispered. I laughed and finished brushing my teeth.

I walked into the kitchen where he was standing and immediately pulled him down and captured his lips in a short kiss. He was slightly taken aback, but managed to smile through his furious blush. "What was that for?" He laughed. I shrugged and marched through the apartment into his bedroom. 

He followed curiously and laughed when he found me curled up in his blankets. "Not so stupid, after all, was it?" He said, almost to himself. He crawled onto the bed with me, surprising me by kissing me before he pulled the duvet around him and wrapped his arms around me snugly. 

"Good night, Matt." I sighed and cuddled closer to him if it were possible. He kissed the top of my head and hummed out a good night, falling asleep swiftly. I followed soon, thinking things couldn't get much better than they were now.

Okay, so, this update is loooooong over due and pretty short... I can't even form a logical excuse, just been some stuff, ya know. Well, I'm sorry, and hopefully I can finish this thing before it kills me. xD

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