Chapter 3

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**Devin's POV**

I pulled out of Matt's driveway and cursed myself for the time. Matt's foster mom Trish demanded that all her children be back before four, so they could do chores. Apparently, Matthias and I had let the time slip our minds, because it was 5:30 and I don't even want to imagine the trouble I let my friend get into.

As I pulled into my own drive, I let my mind wander to the new information I'd acquired today. My assumption at lunch today had been that Regan was pregnant with twins. Not triplets! What luck!?

When Regan had dropped the news, the only thing that she had been worried about was that Matthias had changed his mind about taking the babies. I could see in his eyes that he was scared, but I knew him and I knew he was scared of not being good enough. He wouldn't run away from his mistake, and I had to stick by him.

I walked into my house and saw my mom sitting on the couch watching television.

"Why are you home so late?" She asked.

I walked past her towards the stairs. "I had to take Matt to see Regan." I said simply. I made my way upstairs to my room and I heard my mom following. I left the door open for her and flopped down face first on my bed.

"Is something wrong, dear?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah, Mom. Matt's baby, is actually babies." I said with emphasis on the plural. "Three babies to be more exact."

My mom gasped and I looked up to see her wide eyed and covering her mouth with her frail hand. Her shock was replaced by confusion. "What has that got to do with you?"

"He's my best friend!" I told her as if it should be obvious. I left out the other part about my feelings. My family didn't know about my... sexuality. And I wanted it to stay that way. Most of them were so religious they'd probably have me exorcised, or rebuked, or whatever it was they do to gays. No thanks! "He needs me."

"This isn't your problem, Devin."

"Matt can't take care of three kids by himself. Regan's sure not going to help. So, I've decided to take it upon myself. Next week, when I'm eighteen, I'm finding a place that will comfortably house the babies, Matt, and myself. We can work different shifts at whatever jobs are available and I'm gonna help him through this." I said, and my mother looked shocked. She probably didn't expect me to move out until I got out of college. I didn't really see school in my future, though. I'm dedicating my life to Matthias and his kids.

**Matt's POV**

I threw my backpack against the wall and grimaced as I heard Trish's angry voice. "MATTHIAS COOPER, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?"

"Sorry! I had to stay after school and complete a test." I lied. I had no plans of telling Trish about my impending fatherhood. "What do you need me to do?" I asked her as I walk into the kitchen where she was furiously scrubbing the stove.

"Nothing now! Adam did your chores. You had best be here tomorrow or there will be hell to pay!" She warned.

I nodded and headed towards my bedroom. I didn't push it because I believed her. I walked into my bedroom to find my foster brother Adam listening to my iPod. He looked up when he saw me come in and pulled one of the ear buds out.

"Hope you don't mind," He grinned sweetly while waving my iPod above his head a little.

I smiled back at him. "Not at all. Thanks for doing my chores."

"No problem," he said. He looked way to comfortable on my bed.

I jumped onto it, between him and the wall. "Now do me another favor." He raised his eyebrows inquiringly. "Get in your own bed!" I gave him a big shove and laughed as he made a screaming decent to the floor.

"Not cool!" He threw a pillow at me, making me laugh more before he laid on his bed across from mine. Adam was my sixteen year old roommate in this hell hole. He's the only one of my three foster siblings that I like. The other two were fourteen and thirteen year old annoying girls.

"Sure it was!" I exclaimed and reached over to turn my stereo on. Adam gave me a look as Jimmy Eat World blared out loudly. "Oh, come on, Adam! You know you secretly love it." I grinned and threw the pillow back at him.

"Not even close," he assured as he caught the pillow before it hit him in the face.

"Sure ya do." I got off my bed and walked slowly to his. He watched me suspiciously, waiting for me to pounce. I didn't disappoint. I sprang up and landed right beside him. He struggled as I grabbed his wrists and yanked out the ear buds. He screamed in defiance as I tried to sing along to the music while laughing.

"Sing it!" I demanded.


"Do it or I'll never let you up. Come on it's easy! Our hearts littering the top soil!" I shouted in my worst sing-song voice.

"Nooo! Please, stop! I'm begging! You sound like a dying whale!" He laughed.

"Hurtful!" I said in mock pain.

Just then, Trish stuck her head in. "Boys! Calm down." Then she slammed the door.

I reluctantly let go of Adam and he stuck his tongue out at me. He got up and turned the music down before finding a place beside me on my bed.

I lay there and he hung his feet off the side. After a moment of silence he looked at me. "What's been up with you for the past month?"

I knew exactly what he meant. Ever since Regan told me the news about the baby, I'd been a little different. I told myself that it's because I'm trying to be more mature, but I don't know. I decided right there that I should tell him about the babies.

"You remember that night I snuck out to go to a party and asked you to cover for me?" At his nod I continued. "Well, that night, I hooked up with Regan DeVille. She told me a while back, the night I snuck out a little after midnight and never told you why, that she's pregnant. I promised to keep the baby if she wouldn't get an abortion. Today, she told me she's having triplets."

Adam looked rather pale. He seemed to have trouble focusing, and when he finally did he stared in disbelief. "Why haven't you told me before?"

I shrugged. "I don't want Trish to know, okay?"

"Matt, you have to take care of them. If not, it's gonna be the same thing that happened to you, times three." He says with fear in his voice.

"I know, kiddo. I know."


This chapter was supposed to give you a better understanding (or curiosity xD) of Matt's background. Hope you liked! ;D

P.S. The song they were listening to was Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World. I attached a video and you should check it out x)

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