Chapter 14

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**Matt's POV**

"You know, you don't have to come with me, right?" I asked Devin across the console as we made our way to the impending doom that was my meeting with Regan.

"Of course, I have to come! I can't let you go alone. We don't really need any murders happening." He said reasonably.

"On a serious note," I chuckled. "I want to get through this without bloodshed, but it's up to her. I'm more than willing to be a mature adult about this, if she is."

He just looked at me for a second before turning to the window, watching the blur of the world passing by us. I briefly wondered what he was thinking. So much stuff had happened in the past three days, that his mind could've been any where. No where good...

I silently reached across the car and grabbed his hand. Squeezing reassuringly, I left his hand in mine and dragged my eyes back to the road. I could see him studying me in the corner of my eye. Shortly after he turned back to the window again, his hand relaxed in mine. Running my thumb over his knuckle gently, I gauged his reaction. He sighed contentedly and I smiled.

We pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and I began to lose my calm demeanor when I saw her in the window. Devin squeezed my hand reassuringly and I turned to smile at him. He saw the torment in my eyes and leaned over to kiss me lightly before opening his door.

"Come on. We can do this."

Reluctantly, I followed him into the building and Regan glared daggers at us as we made our way to her table.

"Ready to give me my kids?" She asked snidely.

I laughed dangerously and shook my head. "I don't think so."

Her face hardened even further as did mine. "You can't fight this, Matthias. A boy needs his mother!" She tried to reason.

"They're doing perfectly fine with me. Have been fine since the day they were born. You wouldn't even hold them, Regan! Your own children! Do you even know what they look like!?" I barked harshly.

She flinched ever so slightly and Devin touched my knee under the table to calm me down. Regan's face softened, but I couldn't let my guard down. Regan could be very manipulative.

"Can... Can I see them?" She squeaked.

I looked at Devin to made sure he agreed. As much as I despised her for taking a mother away from my sons, I didn't have the heart to deny her this. He nodded slightly and I turned back to her. "Fine. I'll take you to them. But, you have to prove you care. If you can show me that you really want to be a good mother, I won't fight with you. We can make it a joint custody thing. But," I continued menacingly, "you won't take my sons from me. Get it out of your head now."

She nodded and we all got up from the table, headed in the direction of Devin's mother's house.

**Devin's POV**

Regan's appearance had changed very much since the last time I saw her. She was skinnier and had bags under her eyes. She actually looked kind of unhealthy.

She seemed sincere with her wish to see the boys, but Matt was being very harsh with her. Maybe, he saw something in her that I didn't. I saw a woman that realized she'd made a mistake with her life and wanted to make up for it. Or, at least try. There was no way she could make up for the years she missed with the triplets. Even if they were too young to remember these years, I think toddler years were an important stage to have a mother being a part of. I think Matt was still angry with Regan because she wanted absolutely nothing to do with the babies when they were born. It was understandable to some degree.

The ride to Mom's house was silent and tense. Matthias was radiating the anger he felt towards Regan and it was making me a bit uncomfortable. And also sad because I knew I couldn't comfort him right now. He needed to get over this himself.

We pulled into my mom's drive and as we all got out and headed for the door, I braced myself for whatever was about to happen.

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