Chapter 11

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**Matt's POV**

Devin looked at me without saying anything. We were both waiting for my reaction, but I couldn't show one. I had a lot of thinking to do before I told him anything.

Why was it that Devin's feelings for me didn't bother me? I should've been... disgusted or something, right? But, I couldn't even think of being upset. Maybe I was even happy about it? But, I wouldn't go that far with it.

Devin looked away and seemed unsure what to do. My silence was making things awkward... I should say something. "Cool." I said stupidly. Shit! What was that!? Cool? I couldn't even believe I just said that! Insert facepalm here. Way to go, Matt! You're such a douche!

"You're not upset?"

"No! Course not. Nothing to be upset about!" I smile stupidly, and he just stared at me blankly. Look what an idiot I am!

Devin opened his mouth to say something, but a loud scream came from the living room. I'd never been so happy to hear the annoying screech of my youngest son. I let loose the breath I didn't realize I was holding and ran into the next room. Andrew and Cayden were in the middle of the floor fighting over the remote to the stereo system. Cayd would wail every time Drew got the upper hand and suddenly there was a guitar solo loud enough to blow the speakers out.

I ran forward to take the remote from them before the neighbors could get too mad. When I got the remote and hit mute there was a banging coming from right above us. It stopped shortly after the music did. I guess some people didn't appreciate Metallica like they should! I stuck my tongue out towards the ceiling and ignored Devin laughing behind me.

I stooped down and picked Drew and Cayd up. "Really, guys?"

They just looked at me as if they could eat me alive. Kinda scary actually.

I took them over to their corner and sat them down with Spongebob Squarepants. They were immediately transfixed on the television.

Now, where was Ben?

As if on cue, the baby crawled out the nursery with more speed than I thought he had. "Ba! Ba!"

He crawled right past me and sat next to his brothers. Yes, Spongebob has this effect on children. Especially mine! "Ba" was the only thing either of them would say, and it was just their way of expressing that they wanted to watch that bothersome TV show.

The shrill of the telephone brought me to the kitchen again. Dev wasn't in there. I didn't know where he got off to. I probably shouldn't worry about it now. He needed to think as much as I did.

Walking to the wall phone I picked it up and answered.

"Hey, Matt! It's Lori. I was wondering if maybe the boys could stay with me tonight?" Devin's mom said through the line.

"Oh, hi, Mrs. Peters! Um, I guess you can! We aren't doing anything, so it's really no problem." I really didn't want them to leave. They'd already proven themselves as reliable interruptions from the awkwardness going on here, but Lori had probably planned something or she wouldn't have asked.

"Thanks, hon! I'll be there to pick them up in about 15 minutes."

"'Kay!" And I hung up. No need to get clothes together, they had more clothes at Lori's than they did here!

I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch. I stared at the television as my mind wandered to the only thing that would stay in it for more than a few minutes.


He had feelings for me. No, he was in LOVE with me! I wasn't upset like I was with Adam. Adam was my brother! But, I was a little worried about what this revelation would do to our friendship. I wanted Dev to be my friend more than almost anything in the world. He was the only person that'd always been there for me!  I couldn't loose him.

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