Chapter 5

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**Devin's POV**

I drove as quickly as the law would allow back to our apartment. Matt just called me at work and told me that Regan had had the babies. It took me an hour to finish all the work I had to do before my boss would let me leave. He said that since it wasn't my kids, I could finish up my work first.

I drove into the parking lot and saw Matt sitting under a tree waiting. I honked as I came to a stop and he looked up and jumped up, running toward the car. He got in and looked straight foward as I backed out of the lot just as fast as I'd entered.

"What's the update?" I asked breathlessly.

"The last one was born twenty minutes ago."

"WHAT!?" I knew it takes more than an hour to give birth to three babies!

"She's been in labor since sometime yesterday. Her parents just decided to call me an hour ago. They're all healthy."

"What are they?" Regan and her parents wouldn't tell us the gender of the babies so far. I didn't understand why. Guess they just wanted to be a pain in my ass.

"Boys. All boys."

"You're serious?"

"Yes. Why are you smiling?"

I laughed a little to myself. "I think I'd rather help you with three boys than three girls!"

He smiled to. It was good to see him smile considering he hadn't done much of it since last week. We've been expecting Regan or her parents to call her any day now. Matthias has been nervous and scared. I had, too, but I did my best to hide it for his sake.

We finally made it to the hospital. I parked in the first spot I saw.

We got out and rushed to the entrance. I actually had trouble keeping pace with him. All the track he did in highschool was finally doing him some good. Unfortunately, I did not do sports in school so it was a chore for me to keep up.

We made it into the hospital and stopped at the receptionist's desk.

"I need to see Regan DeVille." I heard Matt say as I caught up with him.

"I'm sorry, but Ms. DeVille doesn't want company." The nurse said apologetically.

"She just had my children!" Matt said, I could tell he was holding his temper.

"You're Matthias Cooper?" The nurse asked.


The nurse wrote on a sticky note and handed it to him. "Take this down that hall and give it to the nurse inside room number 71. Congratulations!" She beamed and Matt and I walk down the hall.

We stopped at the door and I looked at Matt before he opened the door. He was scared really scared. I could see doubt in his eyes. He didn't think he was going to be able to be a good father. I could see in his eyes that that's what he was thinking.

I made a promise to myself right then, no matter how or if my feelings for Matthias progressed, I would help him to the best of my abilites.

**Matt's POV**

I looked at the door. Once I went through that door, nothing will ever be the same. I was gonna have three kids when I came out of that room.

I felt Devin's hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring smile before going ahead of me and opening the door.

He held it open for me and I stepped in.

The room was full of small clear cribs. There were a few wailing babies in the back of the large room, but were being tended to by sweet looking nurses.

Before we made it very far into the room, we are stopped by an older nurse. I handed her the paper without saying a word. She read it and smiled at me. "Right this may, Mr. Cooper."

I followed her to the back of the room and she stopped in front of one of the many clear cribs. She waved at it and the other two on either side. "These are yours." She smiled. "We've been waiting on you, so we can fill out their birth certificates. You have to name them."

I looked at Devin to find him staring down at one of the blue bundles. "I haven't even thought about names."

He shrugged. "You could just use a lot of your favorite names. Don't use the same letter, though. Everybody suspects that!"

"Which is oldest?" I asked the nurse. She pointed to the crib to her right. "Andrew. Andrew Devin Cooper." I saw Devin smile from the corner of my eye. I pointed to the middle boy. "Benjamin Cole Cooper. And Cayden Phillips."

The nurse smiled and picked up new baby Andrew, handing him to Devin. She gave me Benjamin and held Cayden in her own arms.

I held him carefully and looked down into the eyes of my new son. They were a reflection of my own. He stared back at me and a toothless smile formed on his little face. I grinned at him and I knew that I would do everything in my power to keep these three boys safe and happy. One thing was, I wouldn't have to do it on my own.

AWWWW BABIES!!!! Lol! Please vote and comment!

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