Chapter 21

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**Devin's POV**

"What's going on, Devin?" Matt yelled as soon as he tore through the doorway.

"Okay, the police said a baby was dropped off by a man at a station about three towns over saying it was yours. We need to go to the police department and wait for them. Come on." I grabbed his arm pulling him back out of the apartment, noticing Adam was behind him.

"What? What man? One baby?!"  

"I don't know, Matthias. We have to go, though."

He growled angrily, but followed me out the door. We all climbed into the car and Matt broke quite a few traffic laws before we reached the police station.

"Matt, please, try to calm." I spoke softly, touching his arm. He tensed at the contact and I slowly let my hand drop. Maybe he did blame me. I blamed me, why shouldn't he?

"Come on, Matt, you're not helping anybody by freaking out." Adam spoke up from the back seat.

Matt rolled his eyes, but sighed and relaxed just the slightest bit. I closed my eyes and leaned back in my seat. If he listened to Adam and didn't even want me to touch him, that had to mean something.

I didn't know if I even wanted to know what he was thinking of me.

He ripped into the parking lot of the police department and barely pulled stopped before he jumped out and ran up the stairs.

"You go with him." Adam said. "I'll park the car."

"Thanks, Adam." I breathed and followed Matt into the building.

"-five minutes." Was all I heard the officer say when I walked up to them.

"Who's the guy?" I asked.

"Claims he's Regan's friend. She dropped one of the babies off and told him to bring him to me. They'll be here in five minutes." Matt filled in offhandedly, without looking at me.

"Matt, what's happening?" Adam came up. I relayed the information to him quickly as Matt drug his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Well, that's better than nothing, right?" Adam tried to be reassuring.

"Why only one baby, dammit! Where's the guy?" Matt asked the police officer that was still standing there.

"He's in custody. He's on his way here, too." The man said patiently. 

Before Matthias could freak out anymore, a female officer came through the door with one of the boys in her arms. Upon closer inspection, I could see that it was Benjamin. Matt rushed to grab him from the woman and she relented easily. Another officer walked in pushing a guy with brown hair and sagging shoulders. 

Matt targeted the man immediately. "Do you know where she is?" He snapped gruffly. Adam placed his hand on his arm softly to hold him back. The guy looked down and kept walking, without replying. Matt huffed and hugged Ben close to him. 

I walked over to them slowly. "Matt," I called quietly. 

"What?" he answered on a sigh without looking at me. 

I frowned. "Nothing... Uh, I'm glad you have Ben." I said and turned around. He was mad at me -- with right. He wouldn't have lost the boys if I wouldn't have trusted Regan. This was my fault and I was going to go before I messed something else up more. I pulled out my cell phone and called my mom. 

**Matt's POV**

"So, she just showed up at your place with Ben and told you to take him to the police station?" I asked Nyx, the man who'd brought Ben back. He didn't necessarily seem like a bad guy, but since there was no way to prove his story, he was being held in custody. The officers let me talk to him as long as I'd promised to be calm. 

He nodded and sighed. "I really didn't know what to think of it. She knocked on my door, shoved him at me, and told me to call the police ten minutes after she left. Said if I did it before then, I'd be sorry, but I'm not really scared of Regan. I called the police station as soon as she was out the door and drove there the second she drove off. If I would've known she had two more, I would've stopped her. I don't know what's gotten into her." 

"How do you know her?" Adam asked from the corner of the room. 

"Rehab. About six months ago."

"Rehab?" I clarified. "Why was she in rehab?" 

"Drugs." Nyx stated bluntly. "She was on them pretty heavy and her parents put her in there. I got out a week before her and she came to stay with me for a few days when she got out. Pretty sure she didn't completely lose the habit, though, ya know?" He whispered sadly. 

"Maybe that's why she needed money." Adam offered. I groaned. Not only were two of my boys gone, they were off with a drug addict. She was crazy if she thought she could get a check with kidnapped children! But, I reminded myself, she was crazy. 

"So, you and her are friends, right? What's she like? Would she do anything to get my boys hurt?" I asked pleadingly. 

Nyx looked down. "I wish I could say something reassuring. I've known her for a while, and I've tried to be her friends, but I don't think she's exactly stable." 

I sat back, letting it sink in. 

"Matt--?" Adam started before Ben stirred out of sleep in my arms and started crying. Adam sighed. "We should probably get back. It's late." 

"Sure, you can stay at my place." I said, standing and cradling Ben carefully. 

He nodded and followed me out as we said our goodbyes to Nyx. 

"Hey, where's Devin?" Adam asked as we got into the car. 

"Pretty sure he called his mom." I informed nonchalantly.

"He just... left?" 

I shrugged, forcefully emotionless. 

"Matt, what's up with you guys?"

"Nothing," I answered in a tone that said that was the end of it. 

"Liar." He wouldn't let it go. "There's no way in Hell Devin would leave just like that right after we got Ben back." 

"Leave it, Adam." I growled. 

He sighed agitatedly, but shut up. 

The truth was, I didn't care where Devin went. Hopefully he'd gone to stay with his mom for a while. It was better that way. I didn't want to see him, and I would rather him not be around Ben. This was partly his fault and I didn't want to be near him. 

You don't mean that. Stop lying to yourself! He's not the one you're mad at, a part of me screamed. I pushed it down, because I needed somebody to blame. 

We got to the apartment and I pulled a sleeping Benjamin out of his car seat. Adam lead the way upstairs and took the key from me. Devin wasn't anywhere to be found, so I told Adam he was welcome to his room. I took Ben into my bedroom and pulled his jeans off before placing him softly on my bed. I turned the light off and climbed onto the mattress. I wrapped him in my arms and sighed hopelessly. I needed to hold him and I didn't really think I'd be getting much sleep anyway. I just needed all my boys. And as much as I wanted to blame anyone other than myself, I needed Devin, too. 

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