Chapter 7

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It's been five years since then. I'm now 19, and everyone's out of school but me. I've deffinently gain some conference over the time span. I've even became best friends with Johyung, and I found out that my claim was indeed correct. Johyung even has a boy friend now.
2 months ago we went to America for the AMA's the sound on the microphones wasn't the best, but the army cheering and chanting kept me on track and on key.
Everyone is doing well back home. Sofie is in all advanced classes too. She's growing to be so beautiful, and it warms my heart to know I didn't mess up their lives. Max is becoming an amazing gentle man. I mean he's even got a girl wrapped around his arm as we speak. It's so amazing to see how much can change over such little time. I just hope it all goes well for now on even in the future. When Jungkook has to leave for training. I really don't like the idea of it, but he has to go. Oh, by the way. I don't know if you've heard, but there's a knew group coming. I can't tell you to much it's classified, or so I've been told. I can tell you that it reaches out to English kpop fans more than anything. If I say so myself they are very good looking.


I'm dieing, I don't know what to write anymore. So I guess I'll take suggestions from you guys and try to build a good story. And for those of you that skip this part-*clears throat*- I'M DIEING AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!!!😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭
P.S. updates will be very slow. School is killing me, and I would love it if you guys gave suggestions. Thanks army.

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