chapter 2

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(I am beyond mad right now. I wrote 2342 words and all of its gone. I worked on it for hours. So now I'm just going to give the over all view of what was a good story.)


" Mari, we need the money, and singing songs on the street won't get much done." Max holds up the money I just counted.

"I know, it's all we can do. We can't steal others hard earned money. I will try looking for some type of job that can pay us a little more. I heard that some kids got a job as trash takers at some near by shops." I begin to pace knowing they wouldn't let a 9 year old work for them.

"We'll have to work with what we've got? Mari you say that ever day and every day we have fewer meals." I look at the money that we earned today. He was right we only had enough money for about half a meal.

"We have to try. We won't turn for the worst, got it." I look at him with pleading eyes.

~~time skip~~

It was late at night and I was in a near by gas station trying to find some cheap food for everyone. In the corner of the store there is a small mirror that helps me see Max and the kids. They were in separate parts of the store so I kept an eye on the one kid I new would do something stupid. I then noticed that he was trying to sneak up on a guy that looks like he's old enough to be in his final years of high school.

I quickly walk around the corner of the shelf to see that Max was going through the guys wallet, and without thinking I yell. "No! I told you we would not turn for the worst. Now give me that." I snatch the wallet from his hands, and hand it to the guy. "I believe this is yours." I force an innocent smile as I hold out the wallet to the guy. He looked me in the eye with curiosity, and then looked behind me at Max. "I am truly sorry for the trouble. Please don't be angered by our naive actions." I speak in a rush, afraid that he may call the authorities.

"No, thank you for returning it. As a reward I would like to give you some money for food." I look him in the eye in awe.

" After our actions that real-"

"Its a reward. Plus I've seen you one the streets a few times you've got yourself a bright future, so stay out of trouble." He then pat me on the head and left. I turned around to see all three of them with scared expressions.

"I have great news. Tonight we all get to eat." I held up the money and they all cheered. I guess there is still hope for humanity.

~~end of flashback~~

"Your the man from the gas station. Thank you for your kindness." I bow feeling embraced that I met him again.

"You deserved it. You returned money when you easily could have walked off with it, and you played everyday on the streets weather rain or shine just to get money for food. That takes bravery, and you have a lot for such a young age." I stand back up and force a smile to cover up the sadness I felt from my memories.

"Can I go tell the kids the news?" I turn to ask Mrs. Me in that's been standing behind me in silence the whole time.

"Of course." Without hesitation I ran out the door.

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