chapter 11

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"It's odd. I never thought the day you would go would be so close." Tears streamed down my face as I held the taller man in my arms.

"I know Noona but I have to go." The younger man pleaded tears as well.

"But you're my little boy. You can't leave me." I cryed.

"Come on Noona. It's the same as when I left. He'll be back in 2 years." Max sighed.

"Okay, fine. But you better call me every night. If you don't I'll come down there and embarrass you." I moved away giving eomma some space to hug Johna.

"I can't believe it's been 7 years since we fostered all of you. You were so small and cheerful. I really do hope you call us when you get the chance." Mom whimpers.

"Yeah, we're all deffinently going to miss you little man." Taehyung patted Johna on the back, and Johna quickly hugged Tae tightly.

"Thanks for being my friend Hyung, and for being there for Noona. It means a lot." Johna sniffled.

"I'm happy you are my friend too. Good luck out there. Who knows maybe Jungkook will see you there soon." Taehyung chuckled.

Everyone was there, ready to see Johna off. Even Bangtan, Johyung, and Taemin were there. We were all family some others had a higher feeling than others but we were all friends and loved one another. Everyone said the their good byes and we all watched Johna leave.

I started to cry my eyes out as I watched the little boy I raised leave just like Max a few years ago.

The thing that hurt the most was I lied to Johna before he left I told him I would be safe, and I wouldn't let anyone hurt me. What I didn't know was that I would brake that promise in the same day.

*time skip*

It's about 10 at night. The stars are shining, and the streets are slightly empty. Only a few cars on the street racing home to their families along with the small amount of people heading home as well.

But I didn't notice the person behind me I a dark hoodie which concealing his face. Taehyung and Jimin were on either side of me moments ago, but now the went inside a gas station leaving me to walk home alone.

I'm not really the type of person to walk on the side walk. Usually I walk in the back alleys to stay out of others view, but I didn't know that doing so would cause me to loose some of myself.

I was slowly strolling through the back alleys as usual when I hear faint foot steps behind me. Out of reflex I quicken my pass. In the next second I no longer hear the rapid foot stepped behind my. Instead I feel a small tap on my shoulder. I quickly turn around to see a small frail woman stareing at my with worry.

"Is everything alright darling." The woman's voice shakes as she speaks telling me to say nothing.

"No miss. Everything's fine. Thank you for your worry though." I politely bow and hurry on my way.

I began to slowly stroll once again after speaking to that woman, but I continue to keep my guard up. Not long after I hear the door steps again. Only this time I turn around to see nothing. I then turn to walk again when I bump into someone.

*Hobi's pov*

I sit in the living room with Jimin and Tae waiting for Mari to return home. It's already been 20 minutes since Tae and Hobi got home now I was starting to get worried. She wasn't answering her phone and texts. I know she likes to take long strolls at night but not like this, and she always respond to her phone unless she's in the shower.

My phone rings pulling me from my thoughts. I look at the screen to see an unknown number. I quickly answer it thinking it might be Mari using someone's phone.

"Hello, Jung Hoseok speaking." I answered in a panick.

"Hello this is *** from **** hospital. We have a patient here by the name of Jen Mari here. Your number was the first on her contact list. I think you might want to be here for her when she wakes up." A woman says calmly over the phone.

"Alright I'll be there as soon as possible." I look around to see everyone either asleep or in their rooms so I quickly grab my coat and ran to **** hospital.

I ran and ran, as fast as I could. I made it to the hospital within 15 minutes. I quickly ran to the front desk in a panick.

"Hello, I'm here to see a patient by the name of Jen Mari." I huffed.

"Are you here to see Mrs. Jen?" I turned around to the familiar voice I heard earlier over the phone.

"Yes. Where is she I need to see her." I demanded.

The lady quickly bowed and lead the way. Not long after I was standing I front of a bright room with Mari silently asleep in the center of the bed covered in bruises and cuts.

As I scanned every marking on her face, tears began to well up in my eyes.

"What happened to her." I whisper.

"Sir, I'm really sorry. Your lover was raped. The man that hurt her was taken away to prison. A woman called it in. She's in the waiting room right now if you would like to talk to her." The lady said with a calming voice.

"Please. I would like to thank her for her help." I choked on my words.

I couldn't take my eyes of of Mari's motionless body, but I couldn't stand to look at her beautiful face now scared by that man. I began to walk closer to Mari and pull a chair up beside her bed. After I gently cradled her hand in mine I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

I looked behind me to see a small frail woman gently smiling. Out of respect I quickly give my seat over to her.

"So your the one who helped her." I cryed as tears streamed down my face.

"Yes. I'm terribly sorry I didn't help her sooner. I seen her moments before it happened. She seemed so paranoid yet she continued to walk through the back alleys. I could tell something was off with her when she ran off so quickly. After about 10 minutes or so after I heard a small cry for help, so I grabbed my taser at went in the direction of the cry. Sadly I was to slow to stop the man, but I did manage to tase him to sleep and call the cops. The poor little girl though. She was so scared. She didn't move, speak, or cry. It was like she was paralyzed with fear. In fact she passed out right as the paramedics showed up. I'm terribly sorry for what has happened." The woman's voice shook in sadness, pity, and fear.

"I'm so thankful for your help. I can't thank you enough. You saved her when you didn't need to, and I thank from the bottom of my heart." I got on my knees and bowed to her in gratitude.

"May I ask? How long have you two been dating?" The woman smirked.

"I'm sorry. She's not my girlfriend. She's just a close friend." I stuttered as my face grew hot.

"Alright then, but you might want to confess your feelings soon before someone takes her." The woman smirked.

"Sorry miss, but she's just a friend. I've known her since she was 13. I'm quite a few years older than her. She's sort of like a sister to me." My heart twinged at my final words.

"If you say so." She stood shakily from the chair. "I need to go. My husband's probably worried. Good night, and good luck." The woman patted me on the shoulder before leaving.

Now it was just me and Mari.

BTS 8th member (J-hope Lover)✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя