chapter 5

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Sorry it's taking so long to update guys. I'm in a really tough spot right now. Mom's out of town, I just lost a close relative, and one my 'friends' is coming back to school. I've gotten 7 hours of sleep in the past 2days and I'm just to tired. I wish I could do better but my brain is going through to much. Please continue to read though. Thank you😊.

Today's my first day at my new school.
Is what I said when I got out of bed. I'm now help prepare the table for breakfast. I'm ready to go and so is Jungkook. One thing that's stuck on my mind, Jungkook avoids me. Hyung says it's because he's shy, but I think I did something that set him off.

"Table's ready." I called as I placed the last plate on the table. As if on cue all the boys came charging into the dinning room ready to eat.

We all ate and talked about what we would do at our new school, how many friends we would make and so on. I didn't speak I just listened and smiled. They the boys seemed really excited though. Me on the other hand I was trying my hardest to swallow.

"Mari, what do you plan on doing at the new school?" Jungkook looked at me like I was a misfit.

"I'll study." I force a smile and continue eating.

"Why do you do that?" I look up embarrassed at his question.


"You fake a smile but your eyes say your hurting. Why can't you just be yourself?" I look down and stare at my hand feeling everyone's eyes on me.

"That's a good question." I whisper to myself, before standing from the table and heading to school.

*Namjoon POV*

I watch as Jungkook questions Mari, and she seems to just get more uncomfortable by the second.

"You fake a smile but your eyes say your hurting. Why can't you just be yourself?" I look at Jungkook as he scolds Mari. She hung her head and her cheeks grew red. She then whispered something under her breath and quickly left the table.

"What's wrong?" I ask still lost as to what was going on.

"If you don't no by now then your seriously blind." Jungkook then ran after Mari, and so we all got ready and went after them.

*end of POV*

I walked to the bus stop and checked the schedule for the bus, and it turns out I got there in good time. I had just 1 minute till the bus was due to show up. I started to look around and familiarize myself to my surroundings when I noticed all the boys running up as quickly as they could. I then realized the bus was coming to a stop in front of me. I began to climb on when I felt someone bump into me, making my stumble over the steps. I turned around to see a guy around Jungkook's age, and continued onto the bus. Jungkook quickly ran beside me as if he was trying to hide. I guess he is kind of shy after all.


I was finding an empty seat in my knew class when I seen the perfect spot. It was In the back of the class, and right beside the window. I know now it's going to be easy to drown the teacher out.

"Could i have that set instead." It was the guy from the bus, the one that Jungkook ran into.

"Sorry? I wasn't listening." I looked up and realized how tall he was, and gulped.

"Sorry I'm Eom Johyung. I'm not really good with manners." He shrugs.

"Jen Mari. Don't worry it's no big deal."

"Aren't you the girl I bumped into on the bus?" I nodded my head and bit my lip out of habit.

Yes, okay, I bite my lip when I'm nerves.

"You know I heard rumors of two new kids. I didn't think one would be as cute as you." He sat down in the desk next to me.

"Um, sorry bub. I'm 13."

"Yeah I can tell. You may look as old as all of us but you don't seem 15. Plus I would know better than to flirt with a girl that has a boyfriend." I let out a small giggle.

"I have a What? Where did you get that Idea?"

"You and that guy on the bus seemed really close. And by that I mean there was only cm. between the two of you."

"He's not my boyfriend. He's my fr-roommate." I stopped myself thinking Jungkook didn't like me.

"What I'm not your friend?" Jungkook sat down in the seat in front of me and smiled.

"I didn't think you were my friend." I say with no emotion.

"There's two reasons why I avoided you in the beginning. One, I am terrified of girls. Two, I was trying to figure you out. I mean hello, I was told my biggest fear was sharing a room with me." I giggled and turned back to Johyung blushing and looking at the board.

"You okay?" I tapped Johyung on the shoulder and he jumped.

"Y-yeah." He looked at me and then at Jungkook before looking at the ground.

"You sure?" Jungkook protested.

"Mhm."Johyung nodded, and the bell rang.

"Alright new school new life. Can you take it?" Jungkook challenged.

"I raised 3 kids. You could shot me and I'd still fight." We smiled at each other then the teacher walked in and the new year started.

I gave up. It took me a week to write 2958 words and every word deleted. I gave up😅

BTS 8th member (J-hope Lover)✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora