Chapter 17

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Thank You all for reading and voting for my story. A little favour....... I entered a contest on tallenge, like poetry, My poem is called Remember Me, It's on this wattpad too. I need to get the max. amount of votes. It would be really awesome if you could vote for me. The link is on my profile page. Thanks.


Iora's POV-

Those simple words, on the screen could change everything. I dont know him, what if I like him too? What if Jude finds out and then goes even more bipolar? All these questions kept running through my mind, I got a really bad headache. I started to panic terribly. Alex.... really? Why? I thought those type of guys actually stay on one girl, And Jude? If he finds out, when he is in his bad side, its goodbye Alex or me.

I started to get nervous, and my headache got really worse, I felt weak too. If I get sick I would kill Alex for giving me.... that news. I tried to stand up and go to my room I couldnt. I felt so sick. Then I tried screaming for Jude. Nope. Then I called him.


"What the f*** Iora? Why are you calling me!!!!!????"

"I feel sick *cough*"


"Come pick me up to my room!!"

"Whatever." He hung up and I heard his footsteps coming down the stairs. Then he stood in front of me.

"Whats wrong?"

"I feel sick" He touched my forehead.

"Woah you're hot.."

"I know! I feel hot too." Then he stepped back and smirked. I tried to think like him. My face was left in shock.

"Shut up!" Then his expression turns angry, I slip my phone in my back pocket and get ready for the terror.

"What? Huh? U cant even call you names now? Is that it?!" I kept quiet.

"WHY DONT YOU F***ING TALK TO ME DAMN IT?!" I wanted to scream my lungs out, then I thought what James Brown said, 'normal'.

"Jude....I'm sick, take me to my room...." The second I said that his face softened and smiled lightly, thank goodness for Mr. Brown.

"Do I have to pick you up cant I just help you walk? You're Heavy!" He whinnied and I got him the death glare.

"Okay, okay." He said while picking my up. He is taller than me so I feel really high from the ground and i become even more dizzy. I mourn in his chest.

"Iora, please dont make sounds." I mumble something, even I dont know.

"Iora, seriously, its like I'm carrying a baby!" When ever he would talk my ear or his chest would tickle, I laughed softly.

"Man, you got major mood swings." I wanted to shout out that he is the one who is bipolar, but I shut up.

We reached my room and he kicked open my room's door, he set my down on the floor, I mumbled again and crawled into my bed. He was smiling like the moron he is, he thinks he just saved to world or some shit. He went to my bathroom and when he came out I saw he had medicine in his hands.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"Yes, I do."

"I dont want to die."

"Dont worry my.... *sigh* my mom, when she would get sick, I would help her."

"You're a great son."

Not So Perfect Jude (ON HOLD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt