Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10-

"Iora, i thought you loved me....." Jude said, with his icy cold eyes, staring at me with so much of hurt.

"I thought you were different, but I guess you all are the same." I just stood there, sinking in all of this in. He looked so hurt.

"I should of known-" He stepped away from me.

"-I should of known Iroa, you were never there for me....." He turns his back towards me and starts to walk away.

"Jude, please...I can explain!" I stared to cry. Every step he would take, away from me, the more my heart would pain.

"Jude I-"

"I should of known, Iora....." He whispered the last part. Then as he kept walking away, every thing stared to become darker, darker, darker.......


I shoot up. F***! It was all a dream!? But it seemed so freaking REAL! Maybe I should not take an appointment with that doctor, maybe this was all a really bad idea.


"I'M COMING!" Sheesh! Well at least it was normal Jude, not the one that......kissed me. Yuck.


"FINE!!!!" I ran downstairs and gave Jude the 'death glare'. Not the normal death glare but the death glare.

"Oh quit it Iora and just pick up the damn phone." he said, souning really pissed off. Whatever.

I walk towards the phone, but i get a really bad feeling in my gutt. 

"Um Hello?"

"Is this Ms. Ashbel?"

"Yes, I am"

"I am James Brown, I suppose you have booked an appointment with me?"

"Uh, yeah, i mean yes, i have..."

"Please do not let our patient know where you are going, it helps a lot." By the patient I understood he ment Jude....*sigh*

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you at two. Bye!" I quickly hung up. I felt soo bad, but I knew it was for the best.

"Who was that?" I looked up and saw Jude, his cloths were all changed and his hair were wet.

"Did you take a shower, like in 5 min.!?"

"Yeah! Not everyone's a slow old Grandma like you" I looked at him blankly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ohhhhhh...... Ahem. So uh, who was on the phone?"

"Uhhh,, friend."

"Oh, okay." he stared to walk away and then ran to me.

"You're such a BAD liar!!!!" He said smiling like an idiot. I felt so happy having a freind like him, he is truly perfect, well, almost perfect.

"No really it was!"

"Iora you only have two friends!"

"I made a new one!"

"Oh really? Whats his name!? I know it cant be a girl on the phone, cause, you wouldnt be so scared!"

"Um, his name is.....Alex."

"Hmph. Last name?"

"I dont know! I met him a few days ago, so now he wants me to meet him!"

"So you mean......YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?" He said like a 13 year old girl.

"Oh my god!!!! Iora Ashbel has a date!!!! HAHAHAHA!" man, what did I get myslef into.

"Iora and, uh whatsisname?"

"Alex, no wait!-"

"Iora and Alex sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Oh real mature Jude, real mature."


"Don't you have a game to watch or something!?"

"SHIT! I forgot, I gotta watch it, thanks for reminding me. Alex....."

"Oh give it a rest!"

He went to go sit on the couch and switched on the television. This isnt the first time Jude has done something like this. Once this guy called Sam, called me cute, and well, that gave him the golden opportunity. Jude Jerk Grey if you ask me!

I decided to go freshen up. I took a shower and all. Then I changed into clean cloths. I applied a little lip balm on my lips and left. Trust me, I wouldnt wear makeup for the world. :D

I went downstairs and heard Jude scream.

"WOOHOO, GO ATLETICO MADRID!!!!!!" Wow, Jude and his soccer. He looked up to me.

"Wow, I see little Rora got ready for her Alex." He smirked at me, then that smirk changed, I could feel it, the sudden coldness he gave in...

"Um, I think I'll go have something to eat...." He stopped me and grabbed my arm.

"Who is this Alex guy anyways, huh?" He suddeenly became angry.

"Jude, I told you, I uh, he's my friend."

"Just a friend!?"

"Yes." it came out in a whisper.

He let go of my arm and held me by the waist. no no no no no no no!!!!!

"I just wanted you to know that-"

"AND ANOTHER AMAZING GOAL FOR ATLETICO MADIRD!!!!!!!!" he wuickly turned his head towards the television and let me go and had this huge smile on his face.

"You see?? Atletico Madrid are AWESOME!" WTF!?

"Yeah...." Thank goodness fot Atletico Madrid! Now I'm sure. Jude really needs help.

I went to the kitchen and ate a little. Then I looked at the clock. 1:45. I better get going.

"Okay Jude. Im going know, If you need anything call me."

"Whatever, mom." he turned around and smiled. Gosh he is so CUTE! wait, what the hell? I have a whatever look and closed the door. I headed towards my car.

"Don't worry Jude, I'm gonna fix everything."


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