"Wow Haru you live here?! Can I stash some chips in your kitchen? My mom put a limit on how much we could have at our home but you have a huge space for it!" Choji exclaims as he wanders off into my kitchen.

I sweat drop but nod nonetheless "Uh. . .Sure Choji!" I awkwardly say before sitting down next to Shikamaru who's made himself comfy on my couch. Across from us sits Asuma and Ino who's grinning like she thought up the best plan in the world.

"Asuma sensei! Once the snow stops Haru can train with us right?!" Ino excitedly asks. Asuma nods, "That's the plan Ino. Kakashi's told me great things about you Haru, It'll be great adding a new sparring partner for this team." I quietly nod, still feeling a bit awkward about this whole thing.

Kakahsi talked about me?! Oh geez I hope he never talked about my moments where my sanity became questionable. . .

A nudge on my left side snaps me out of my thoughts and I quickly turn to Shikamaru who's now sunken into my couch. "You troublesome woman why are you acting so weird? It's like you're nervous or something, it's just us." Shikamaru whispers as Asuma and Ino stand up to go find Choji who's somewhere in my kitchen checking out my inventory.

I laugh sheepishly and scratch the back of my neck "I'm not nervous! It's just I don't know. .What if I don't fit in with you guys like my other team?" I ask, worry seeping through my voice.

The feeling of a hand on my head nearly makes me jump out of my skin in surprise, and I look up to find Asuma smiling down at me. "Hey Haru, as long as the four of us are around you'll always have this team here alright? You'll fit in just fine."

••End of Dream/Flashback••

A sudden weight on my lap makes my eyes snap open, I quickly sit up and I look down to find Isamu smiling sheepishly at me. "I'm back from the tundra! I ran into Sasuke by the way. . And Hidan and Kakuzu, heh that was wild. And why has this base turned into a ghost town?" I groan and bring my hands up to rub my eyes a bit before leaning back on m hands to stare down my wolf. It's too early for this.

"Can you at least let me get up to talk?" I rasp out before swinging my legs off my bed and sending a mere glance to my brother who has yet to wake up. I lazily stand up and stalk towards the bathroom where I do all my necessities.

When walking out I find Isamu not on my bed anymore. Gosh darn it.

I nonchalantly walk around the cave-like labyrinth that we call a base in search for the wolf. As I do so I ponder about my dream, why did I dream about that one day? I remember after that I became a lot closer to team ten, Asuma especially. Ugh why have I been thinking about him and the rest of that team so much recently?!

I normally try to stray away from thoughts of my former comrades. I seriously hate thinking about them, and I've already made up in my mind that the next time I see any of them I won't be as nice as I usually am. I'm not longer they're beloved comrade, I'm an enemy and I've broken all bonds.

Even if I don't want to, I'll act like the persona I've become.

But still, the mere thought of Asuma sends chills up my back like a sudden sense of dread. I could feel that somethings wrong but I don't know what. Again, I hope this is just me being weird and paranoid.

I snap myself out of my thoughts when I see Isamu sitting down in the middle of our bases training grounds. "Hey Isamu, sorry I was being grumpy when I woke up." I say before sitting down across from him.

Isamu simply stares me down "What's wrong?" he asks, catching me off guard completely. I also stare at him, but stay silent. If theres one thing I learnt while in the akatsuki, it's that theres a cannibalistic plant man who listens to all and tells to few.

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