Part 1

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Michael Jackson has been the mayor of New York City for two years. He 

loves the city most often characterized as cold and unfeeling. In reality 

New Yorker's know how to pull together when they need to. It's not that 

they are unfeeling and uncaring, it's the fast paced life in a city that 

never sleeps. People are tired and stressed but still find it within them 

to pull together for the good of the city. The good of their neighbor-

hoods and communities. Michael Jackson calls New York City A place 

with no name because its seen as a city that's full of bright lights, 

over abundance of people but not one person has a name they are 

statistics. Numbers, cold and self absorbed.

9/11 proved to so many that that wasn't true at the time, but when 

Michael Jackson with his family ran for mayor the consensus of the 

city was back to cold, aloof, unfeeling and self absorbed. Hence A 

place with no name. Michael's forty six years old, married with four 

children one is about to go off to college all the way across the 

country in California at UCLA pre med. He's always been very 

smart and articulate a great doctor in the making. Michael's 

second oldest is just beginning high school. She is on the drill 

team squad. Then their youngest boys are only seven. They 

are twins and are a smart and precocious. Their nanny helps

Michael and his wife Savanah. Michael and his wife have been 

happily married for just about twenty two years. This is his 

second marriage. His first wife died in childbirth. He met Savanah 

two years later. They dated a year and then Michael proposed.

Savanah loves Michael but she also loves the limelight. A social 

butterfly. She's a good mother and her and Michael have been 

through a lot. Good times and bad. Savanah's not black, not 

white. She's got Asian heritage and American Indian. But her 

skin is so light that none of the communities accept her or 

believe her. She's even had DNA to prove her heritage. She tans 

easily but never gets dark only a soft golden brown. Savanah's 

eyes are almond shape with a blue tone until she's angry then 

they go dark with brown flecks. Dark hair long and beautiful. 

Michael don't care about any of that. To him, Savanah is perfection.

That was until the election and Michael winning the coveted New 

York City Mayoral race. It was close between Conrad Ortega. He's 

a white left winger. His father was hispanic but spoke no Spanish. 

He'd denounced his heritage when he'd left Columbia as a young 

MJ Fantasy Cursed-Mark Of The Beastजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें