Part 2 Love And Life Are Perfect

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True to his word at break Michael pulled April aside so they could talk

privately. Their friends wondered what was up but Michael just grinned 

and told them it was adult stuff. This made their friends giggle and 

point fingers. But they knew too that Michael was really into April and 

she he so it was all good.

"April..w...will you be my girl? M....My forever girl. I love you so much.

I..I just can't see me with anyone else....N...Not ever." Michael had tears

in his eyes. Waiting on baited breath for her answer. All April wanted was

Michael and that was something she was going to have no matter what. 

"I...oh Michael. Yes. Yes Michael. I love you too. You are the only boy I 

could ever love. I know it. I have always known it since we met three 

years ago. Michael you are so loving and sweet. Being with you makes 

my heart so happy." "Good." Michael put a ring he had made for her. 

He'd saved up a years allowance to be able to pay for it then bought 

it. "There. Now it's official." "It's beautiful!" "Not as beautiful as you 

are." The teens share a tender kiss.

Lunch hour Michael and April shared their news with their friends 

who were so very happy. They smiled and shook hands hugged April. 

They could see just how happy that Michael and Michelle were.

After school Michael and April told their friends they wanted to celebrate

just them, then tomorrow night all of them could celebrate. Their 

friends were okay with that and understood. It gave them more time 

to plan a little celebration for Michael and Michelle anyway.

Michael and April found their secluded place in the woods that they 

went to when they wanted to be utterly alone or when they wanted to 

experiment with sex. The two sat down and just talked and cuddled a 

little. But soon, the excitement of their love and their new status as a 

forever couple pushed them over the edge. Michael was hard. April's 

wet. She thought of nothing at that moment but Michael. Not the 

consequences. Nor the warning from her parents. Michael slowly 

undressed her. April slowly undressed Michael. Soon, lying naked next

to each other was such a thrill for them. They let their love guide them. 

Drive them. Pushing them farther.

Michael couldn't take it any more. He rose up over April and slowly 

pushed his shaft inside of her. She gasped a moment of pain, then 

pure pleasure. Holding on to Michael tightly as they kissed and 

caressed each other. April bite Michael. Not too hard but she did draw 

a little blood. Michael didn't even notice. The blood wasn't much 

and healed so fast that it almost was as if Michelle hadn't even broken 

the skin. Michael was going to pull out of April before he came but the 

pleasure was so intense that neither realized he was cumming until 

he'd already started. By then it really didn't matter anymore really. 

Catching their breaths. "I...I will do right by you if you become pre-

gnant. I swear I will. I won't leave you my love. I will always do right 

by you." They shared a tender kiss. "I know you will Michael. I know."


Michael was so happy. He had a spring in his step. His siblings were

giggling at him because he wore this goofy smile. His mother and father 

thought it had to be love and had to be this April. They'd seen her a 

few times when the kids were a bit younger and everyone was 

running around in the back yard and pool. She's a pretty little thing 

his mother told him. At that time however, Michael still believed girls 

to be disgusting but also fun to play with because they seen things 

differently than boys and brought new excitement to old worn out 

games like tag and hide and seek. April could keep up with Michael 

in every way so Michael thought of her as his best friend and buddy. 

It's hard to imagine how attitudes could change so quickly between 

boys and girls. Michael took extra time this morning to get ready so 

he looked good for his beautiful April. Michael thought she deserved 

to be seen with someone who was dressed nice and always made 

her look even better so Michael wanted to have everything perfect. 

His hair didn't have one spot out of shape. His clothes where 

impressive for a fourteen year old. Clean, well groomed. His

teeth shown so white and his face clean and perfect. Even for a 

young normal teen who like all others had a bit of acne still 

looked like perfection for his April. She was all he could ever want. 

Michael noticed too a that he did seem to have a bit more energy 

this morning but he chalked it up to being in love.

Hurrying out the door, Michael quickly made his way over to April's. 

He seen their friends as he did and waved. Their friends offered to 

wait for them but Michael waved them on said it was okay. April 

and he would see them in a few minutes.



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