Part 9 A Change In The Air...Trouble?

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Michael let some prey and a chance to mate go because his first 

priority was to get back to the clan. He had little ones to protect. 

The old one to protect and he was going to do so no matter what. 

He could always get more food and definitely lure more of the 

females to their village. He's done it before, he can do it again. 

Michael was engorged with lust but he could not satisfy it yet 

because there was duty to fulfill first.

The Packard family grew closer. The wolf senses were on 

high alert. It had been year since they were here. April was 

just a pup then. Barely six days old. Her grandfather was the 

alpha male in charge. His father had left him in charge. Now 

her father was coming to accept his birth right. He had no 

idea that the leadership of the clan had already been given 

to Michael. He had no idea that Michael was waiting for him 

and his family and they were about to be taken back to the 

village by three very big and very strong alpha males who 

were born about the same time as April was. April looked as

if she were only eighteen but in truth she was nearing her 

fiftieth year as a werewolves life span is one hundred and 

fifty years. And there have been some known to live beyond 

two hundred years. A strong alpha male with special powers 

could do just that very easily. Michael Jackson fit that 

description accurately.

"They're closer." "I can feel them." Caleb growls. "Our 

kind?" Malcolm adds. "Yes. Our kind. There is something 

else too but..." "Is it bad?" "No. But be ready for anything." 

"We will."

The Packard's enter the clearing. Michael and the alpha's 

surround them the moment they do. "We come in peace! 

I'm Joshua Packard. Here to claim my birth right for my 

family." "And your birth right is?" The oldest alpha speaks 

from behind. "To lead the clan." "Not your right! Not when 

you murder your own kind in cold blood! How can we trust 

you to lead when you can't protect your own? The day you 

murdered your mother and ate your sister and tried to get 

us to attack the humans of the town when it was you all 

along causing the trouble is the day you gave up that right! 

You are not welcome here!" Joshua steps forward. "Hello 



Some of the wolves stepped back some stood their ground. 

Michael stood his ground. Michael was watching them very 

carefully. Especially the young female. She had his own 

senses going crazy. Part of him wanted to rip her, all of them 

to pieces. But then another part of him too was sexually 

heightened as if he'd known her before somewhere. But 

that wasn't possible. Or was it? Michael stepped forward.

He growled and sniffed. Then it hit him.


"Hello Michael!" That's when he came to his senses. He 

was angry. "YOU! You turned me into this! You were 

supposed to be my friend. My girlfriend! Now? You're 

nothing to me but a mistake!" With that, Michael ordered 

the others to surround them take them prisoner. He and 

the old one had to talk. At first Joshua started to fight. With 

one swoop Michael had Joshua on the floor. He was wounded. 

Not mortally but enough that it wouldn't take much. "You 

will not fight me or you will die. This is my clan, our home and 

you were not invited or asked to come back. You want to stay 

you will obey. Now do as my alpha team tells you or die. 

Choose!" Michael growled menacingly at Joshua who was on 

the clearing floor deep in the woods. He looked up at Michael. 

His breathing was a bit labored from the sudden strike but he 

decided he wasn't going to fight.

"You are strong. April was wise to choose you as her first mate. 

This we should have seen. We didn't There is something you 

must know. April became with child. That child there is your 

daughter. Anna Sophia." "I don't believe you." "Don't believe 

him Michael. My son lies. He's a good manipulator and will 

do anything to win. To turn the others against you. That's 

how his mother and sister died. Not only at his hands but 

that of Malcolm's own father. He's now dead too. The humans 

got him because he got cocky and near got us all killed. Bring 

the child before me. I'll tell you if she's my bloodline and 

yours." Old one growled his wishes at Michael. Michael did as 

he was asked. The man child did look like him some but she's 

more human than wolf.

April was screaming to be given her baby back. She'd done 

nothing wrong. The old one sniffed and looked. He nipped 

the child. Drawing blood. This told him if the child was of 

lycan blood. "She's yours Michael but more human because 

she was conceived by a human. When you were but full blood.

You can choose to keep her or send them all away. Don't turn 

your back on my son though. He will do you harm because he 

covets what others have. Never earns for himself the right way. 

Always murders and does evil just to do evil. Will risk all of us 

to get what he wants. 

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