Part 6 Michael Drops A Bombshell....

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Michael finished out high school. He graduated with honors. On 

some level Michael kept an acute awareness of the others and 

where he'd gone that night. How far he'd gone. Michael was also 

aware that some of them were students in his very own high

school and some were not but they too stayed close and watched 

him throughout his time as a human. They seen him phase shift 

at will full moon or not. They seen his prose how strong and 

acute it was and that as the moon became fuller, the stronger

Michael became. They knew his sexual appetites and relished 

them too. Nothing about the human Michael Jackson wasn't 

known. As well as nothing about the alpha male lycan Michael 

Jackson wasn't known and witnessed. The strongest of alpha 

males knew that he'd make a strong leader for their clan soon. 

It was up to them to seduce him to their world fully. That is 

what they would do using his sexual pleasures as their lure.

"Michael honey with graduation only a couple days away, 

have you decided where you plan on going to college?" "Well, 

mother actually I have been looking into that. See I've been 

putting in applications all over the world including here. But 

no one has even responded to my inquiries. Except two." 

"Only two? How can that be? You're a good student. Your 

SAT'S were top two percent correct?" "Yes mother. That's 

what I don't understand. I wanted to go to Syracuse or LSU 

but neither bothered to even give me a second glance." 

Michael said bowing his head playing the dishearted teen. 

"So what schools did reply?" "Well, one gave me full scholar-

ship. But both are not here. They are in Europe." "EUROPE!" 

Katherine exclaimed. "Yes mother." Michael spoke softly.

This was a lie. He hadn't applied anywhere. Michael knew 

what he wanted to do with his life and where he wanted 

to be but he knew his family would never understand or

accept it. It wasn't as if he could walk up to any of them 

and say "oh by the way, I'm a werewolf and I have an 

insatiable sexual appetite. I almost had sex with my sisters 

and I still want to badly." That's not a topic of conversation 

over the dinner table or anytime really so this way to soften 

the blow that when he leaves he's never coming back here, 

going to college in Europe is his best choice. "Oxford in England

and University in Cork with a chance to transfer in two years 

to GMIT in Galway, Ireland." "What's GMIT and why so far 

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