Part 7 Graduation Day Has Come....

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ssssooo sexy Sasha...." "Love your dick....ssssss.....mmmmuuuu.... 


Sasha was panting. Michael pulls out of her and rams hard into 

Valerie. His appetite no where near satisfied but they would 

have to do for now. He wanted to bite them too but couldn't 

in school. Soon though their mating ritual would be free and 

he'd sire more of their kind. Ramming his dick in and out of 

them over and over again.  Suckling their hard nipples. They 

moan and groaned. Michael loved how good the girls felt. He 

could bury his dick so deep. Caleb walks in and together they 

finished both girls off.


Michael cums inside Sasha. Michael nibbles her neck. "Take 

care of our little one." "I will." Michael licks her neck suckles 

her lips and fixes his pants. off to class they go.


Michael and the others took their place in the line with all the 

graduates. Michael looked around with his werewolf eyes and 

could see every last cursed human. Each had the mark of the 

beast on their foreheads, arms or hands. Only those with were-

wolf eyes could tell who was already a werewolf and who would 

be werewolf victims, sex slaves or turned into the beast. Marked 

with the curse of the beast like he is. Michael also intended to 

find out who started it all too and figure out where April is. He 

still thought of her. No longer with love but lust. But he also 

wanted to settle the score for cursing him. For giving him the 

mark of the beast. Some he knew was his own doing too but 

she could have told him about herself. He's unsure if he would 

have believed her then but still the point is, April should have 

tried. Instead she kept the secret and cursed him instead. 

Michael loves what he is now. The sex is insatiable and erotic 

which for him is an incredible turn on but this isn't the life he 

would have chosen for himself. But now that it is his world he

plans on being the king. The protector of his kind for all time.

Michael seen that there were marks on his family too. His 

sisters. Michael looks at the others and telepathically tells 

them his family is off limits to all lycans or there will be hell 

to pay. The lycan's responded in kind they understood and

would not harm them. They would in fact protect them against 

any and all because they were Michael's human family.

"Caleb Henderson....Sasha Illberth....Mary Jack....Peter Jack-

son.....Michael Jackson..." The crowd was even louder for 

Michael. his siblings, his nieces and nephews. Aunts and 

uncles and his parents stood and cheered for Michael. They 

were so proud of him. The other werewolves also cheered for 

Michael. Michael's family thought it was just Michael's friends 

come to show support for their friend. They had no idea this 

was his new family. The family he'd be leaving them for 

permanently in less that two weeks. Michael blushed and 

smiled. He took his diploma from the principal at the

Buckley School and then went to take his seat again. More 

names were called after Michael but most barely heard 

them because they were there for Michael. For their

alpha male leader.

"Cathy Jenkins....Steven Jenson....Mathew Jones....."

The ceremony lasted another hour. When all the graduates 

were done, they were pronounced the class of 1976 and 

tossed their graduation caps up. Michael tossed his supper 

high so he could keep his eye on it. He wanted to make sure 

his parents got to keep it so they would always remember 

him. Remember the human he once was.


Squeaks and grunts. "Mama? When is father coming back?" 

"Soon little one. Soon." "But when? Before the next full 

moon?" "Yes Salem. Before the next full moon." All of Mich-

ael's pups were gathered around their mothers anxiously 

awaiting the return of their father. The children displayed 

many kinds of supernatural powers. All came from Michael 

mostly. Some the mothers but mostly Michael and that was

something that the others didn't quite understand since he 

was a full blood until he was cured with the mark of the beast. 

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