Part 4 First Night Of New Life....

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Michael won. Dwayne was so mad. He knew he shouldn't have 

made that bet but he use to be better in this game, in most games 

than Michael but they were cool, no he feels the fool. But, a bet is 

a bet. Dwayne sighs, smiles and shakes Michael's hand. "Good 

game!" "Thank you! Listen, I'm okay if you want to forget every-

thing but the bread and the science stuff. I really do need help 

with it a bit and you're good at it." Michael said truthfully. "it's 

cool. I agreed to do these things so..." He shrugs. 'Yeah but I was 

pushing your buttons on purpose. Let's just call it even with 

those two things okay?" Dwayne looks at Michael a moment.

"O..Okay." They shake hands and Dwayne gives Michael the 

money. "After school meet me here on the benches and we'll 

go over what is bugging you in science okay?" "Great! Thanks 

man!" "No problem!" The boys walked into the gym quickly 

and rinsed off so they weren't smelly for classes. Both still had 

three classes to sit through.


Michael was lying on his bed and he was burning up. He couldn't 

understand why he felt this way. Michael went to stand and feel 

immediately to the bedroom floor. "Ga...sssss....wha......" Michael 

hurt so bad. It was fire burning his skin to the bone. His fingers felt 

like the bones were breaking. Michael looks at them and screams....



Covering his mouth.



"Michael baby are you okay?" His mother calls from the other side 

of the door. Michael has to think fast. "Yes mother..I...I had a night-

mare. I'm okay. I'm going back to sleep. Good night. I love you." 

"Are you sure Michael?" "What is it mother? Is Michael okay?"

Michael closes his eyes and locks his jaw to keep from growling or 

screaming. " mother. I'm really tired." "Okay baby. 

Good night. I love you." Katherine turns and goes back to bed. 

She scoots the others to bed too. Michael however is far from fine 

and far from sleeping. His skin is growing hair. His fingers are 

stretching into claws with very long and sharp nails. His legs are 

contorting, Michael's entire body is changing. He's already removed 

his clothes because of the fiery heat. Michael's genitals are growing 

and changing some. Michael's feet are growing long but they look 

like those of a dog. Michael thinks what the hell? Do I look like Lon 

Chaney or something? Please god don't let me look in the mirror 

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