Part 5 Michael's Coming Of Age...

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Michael now was about to finish his senior year of high school. 

So far he'd been able to keep his horrible secret. Michael 

changed into a werewolf under the full moon but for the most 

part he could control his actions and consciously choose not to 

kill a human but hunt animals in the woods instead. Michael 

could phase shift as he called it, at will. Michael's sexual 

appetite grew too. He'd had sex with half of the girls in his 

high school and half of the girls in their cross town rivals. 

Michael had to keep from taking his sisters a few times because 

his sexual appetite was so strong. His thirst for mating almost 

unquenchable. He relieved himself in the shower a few times 

to keep from hurting his sisters. Michael even had had sex 

with a few female teachers from his high school and the 

opposing school too. Mothers to some of the students he'd 

had sex with. His animal magnetism was so strong that they all 

fell prey to it. He was the ultimate alpha male. Strong and sure.

 Sure of his attributes and his abilities to satisfy any female and 

to have as many as he wanted and no ever have to worry about 

the consequences. Some of those he'd mated with became 

pregnant but aborted the babies to keep from the whispers and 

labels of being called a slut. Michael continued on as if nothing

were the matter. He'd read lots of books, done hours and hours 

of research. His senses were heightened. All of them. Michael's 

sense of smell was the one he loved the most because he could 

tell by the pheromones that the women were putting off if

they were going to be easily seduced to his pleasures or if they 

were lost causes. Michael knew that the harvest moon was 

coming and he knew that that moon is the moon that began 

this life for him. This nightmare curse. So with that he took it 

upon himself to find a place to go. To hide so he wouldn't hurt 

anyone. Michael told his parents he was staying at Dwayne's 

but in truth he and Dwayne and all their other friends had

seen very little of Michael the last year. Michael was always 

too busy with his own thing. He was actually mating with 

multiple women trying to appease his sexual drive. The need 

to mate. Having chained himself to a chair in a motel room 

Michael prayed that he'd be able to keep it together here. He 

rented the room as Frank Di Leo. Michael had no idea with 

this Harvest Moon, everything he thought before. Believed

before. Lived before would change forever.

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