Part 11 Human Danger, Lust And Something New....

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A hunter had taken a trip to the back woods and mountains of 

California just above Los Angeles but deep in areas where it is 

believed humans have never been or can travel easily. It's lush 

and thick with trees and brush and tall grasses. The wild life 

flourishes there. Making sure he has everything he'll need for 

two days out in the wild, the hunter starts his trek. He pushes 

deeper and deeper into the brush and timber. Keeping a keen 

eye out for any game or wild life. He's hoping to bag a deer or 

something big. The air is hot but there is a gentle breeze blowing 

through the trees. Just enough to keep the stifling heat away. 

The hunter is looking for a source of water because there he knew

would be guaranteed wild life and the chance to get his deer.

Michelle Wilson checks the area from her observation tower. 

It's in the line of sight with the ranger station but up higher so 

that they can spot fires or other anomalies that may mean 

trouble in the woods and tall timbers. There are the usual

birds flying soaring high above everything. There are the usual 

wild life. Everything looks good from this vantage point. She 

climbs back down and gets ready to make her usual patrols in 

the woods. She loved her work. The forests and woods were 

always so lush. So beautifully inviting. Her love of nature and 

wild life of course helped but still Michelle truly believed there 

wasn't any other job in this world she'd rather do.

The hunter was drawing near to a clearing. One that appeared 

to rather large. He thought he would check it out. Maybe there 

were animal dens around like bears and mountain lions. They 

thrive up in these higher places. Off to the side he heard a noise. 

Slipping through the brush quietly as possible. That is when he 

seen them. Six wolf pups. They were squeaking and making low 

grunts and growls. The hunter couldn't believe his luck. He knew 

he couldn't get all six but he would be able to get two of them.

Taking his stance...



Michelle Wilson Game Warden and Forest Ranger for the Santa 

Monica Mountains and Las Virgenes Mountain ranges grabbed 

the hunters gun before he could fire a shot. "What do you think 

you are doing??!! You can not shot or hunt wolf cubs. They are 

an endangered species protected by the federal government!" 

"I have every right to hunt here. It's open land not included in 

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