Part 8 Goodbye Human Family, Hello Lycan Clan...

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Everyone was anxiously awaiting the return of their first and 

second in command. Michael and Caleb were the strongest 

alpha males who have ever ruled. "Michael baby. You are so 

amazing. I'm so proud of you!" "Thank you mother." Michael 

smiled. "I love you Michael." "I love you too mother!" Michael 

hugs his mother. "We're so proud of you bro!" Michael giggles 

at his brothers glee.

They hug and shake hands. Joseph comes forward. "Michael 

son?" Michael turns to look at him thinking I didn't do anything. 

"I am so very proud of you son. You are a smart young man 

and I am so proud to call you my son." Michael's eyes felt 

misty. Joseph never praised him much. Said little to him 

except when he was lecturing him and his siblings or punishing 

them. This was something new or rare and it really touched 

Michael because he knew Joseph is a hard man and didn't 

dote out accolades on a whim. Michael looks at Joseph. 

"Th...Thank you Joseph. I...I really appreciate it." Michael 

blushed. Joseph hugged Michael tightly.

The family went out for dinner to celebrate.

Two weeks went by quick. Michael was packed and ready 

to go. His mother and Joseph wanted to come with him to

 the airport but Michael arranged for Malcolm whom they 

had not met or seen before to pose as a hired driver and 

personal guide from Oxford to come and take Michael back 

with him to England. The the university. Private car service 

and everything. Michael played the role as did Malcolm. His 

family kissed Michael good bye and told him they loved him 

so much. That was the last day he ever seen his human family. 

The full bloods....Michael's new life was about to begin. He 

was ready for it.



Michael walked with Caleb towards the village. He would 

send someone for his things later from the car. As they 

drew near he could hear his pups getting excited because they 

knew daddy's home. Michael picks up his steps and as soon 

as he comes through to the clearing where their village is

Michael phase shifts and becomes a werewolf by choice. He 

sees the mother of some of his babies and immediately 

pounces on her. Growling and snarling. Michael rams in 

and out of her. Fast and hard. Michael loves this. He missed

this with her. With all of the women. Soon a mating ball 

ensues as all the alphas join in with the rest of the females. 

Their sexual appetites sated for a little while.

Michael sits and holds some of his pups. They can speak 

English but their voices are a bit gruff with growls, grrs 

and grunts mixed in. Michael loves them all. "Grrrr...

Callie did you...grunts...practice your....grrrrr...mind 

control?" Grrooowwwll.. "...Grunts...squeaks...I...did 

father...." She replied. Michael spoke to all his children. 

He wanted to see a demonstration of their powers.

Each child had a special gift. One could make itself 

near invisible. One could mind shift. Another mind 

read. There was a shape shifter. One who could become 

a werewolf at will. Another who couldn't change at all but

had the strength of ten men. One could do spells like a 

witch could. One could see the future. Another could trick 

others to do their bidding. The gifts of the pups were end-

less and this really surprised Michael but filled his heart 

with pride too. He know he was creating the perfect were-

wolf clan. The pups had grown so much since he'd seen 

them two weeks ago. They had a lot of catching up to do

too. Michael took the time to play with his children and

love on their mothers later. The females anxiously waited 

for Michael's loving.

The loving of the alpha males was like no other.

Michael was an excellent hunter and provider for the clan. 

He always made sure all of them ate. When he was away, 

Caleb was in charge. Michael still would from time to time 

when he was on the hunt think of April. He wanted to know 

how this all began anyway.  Something kept pulling at him. 

He tried to brush it off but it just wouldn't fully leave him. 

Smelling the air. Michael took a deep breath and raised 

his head. Trouble was possibly coming. Michael howled 

a warning howl. They could always sense danger for 

hundreds of miles away or more of their kind approaching. 

Caleb heard the howl and knew to hide the little ones and 

get everyone into hiding but the four alpha males besides 

him and Michael. Michael was on heightened alert.

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