Part 12 Michael's Mate, Michelle's Fate...

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"Wait a minute psycho bitch!! Werewolves are Hollywood voodoo 

make belief scare the children under the bed bullshit! They don't 

exist!" Then Michelle thought of the wolf pups. What about them. 

One minute they were all over her playing with her and then 

suddenly, off they ran. Then she's attacked by.... by what? By 

their mama? "Oh fuck me bullshit! Their father?" Michelle thinks 

it had to be the father if he fucked her so good like that. "Wait!" 

Did I just say fuck her so good? " bitch! You need 

help!" Michelle was disgusted with herself and the wild ass crazy 

thoughts she was entertaining. Driving on to the emergency 

room instead of home. She needed series help. She'd tell the 

doctors she was attacked but could not say by who. Whoever it 

was held her down. Had something over her face so she couldn't

see only feel the attack happening. Let them figure it out.



Michelle was sitting there waiting to be seen. The nurses had 

already asked her all kinds of questions. Who raped her? What 

did he look like? Sound like? Tall? Short? The standard. She 

told them what she could truthfully say and then told them she's

already done a police report. They told her okay and then told

 her to have a seat they'd call her shortly.

Michelle couldn't think of any other possibility of who could 

have or what attacked her. There is no explanation but a...a...

god...she's nuts...a werewolf. Michael and his alpha's were 

feeling the burn of the Harvest moon coming. The females

were too. They watched the little ones and noticed that they 

were changing and acting strange. Their mystical powers 

were even more acute. The ability to teleport from one

spot to the other with just a thought was a power that none 

ever had or suspected. The littlest ones were incredibly 

powerful. Stronger than the older babies. Michael's oldest

now were ten years old and his youngest were six months. 

April had sired for more for him. The first time she fought 

him because she was still angry with him but he took her

anyway and at some point she welcomed his pounding 

inside of her. For her it was like coming home. For him it 

was cold, just a release. Their human baby finally started to

show signs of the curse She did have the mark of the beast. 

They renamed her Illyanna Saffire. She had green eyes that 

shown like gems. She was so beautiful. Her hair sandy

blonde. thick. They braided her hair so she looked like a 

black child. She could communicate with the wolves 

verbally or telepathically. She understood their grunts 

and growls. Just she did not change so she had the look 

of a full blood. Her senses were like no other human on 

the planet. Her hearing was more keen than any animal 

known to man. Illyanna could climb the tallest of trees 

almost as fast as a werewolf. Michael was very proud of 

her. His daughter, his first child Illyanna was the protector

for the pups when the clan was on the hunt during Harvest 

moons. Michael is very proud of her. She learns fast, is 

very articulate. Michael phase shifts back and forth to 

mingle among the humans and find females to mate with. 

He speaks with his daughter and brings her books to read.

Things to learn so she can survive in both worlds. When 

the others become a bit older he's going to do the same 

for them. Some although ten in human years are seventeen

in wolf years and are already beginning to feel the burn 

of mating. By the next Harvest Moon in three years they 

will be able to mate. The alpha males will want to challenge

the alpha soldiers. Michael must help them to curb this 

burn for dominance.


"Your test results come back as yes you were raped by a 

human, but there is a strange gene in the seman we can't 

quite identify." "What do you mean? Look, I've the bruises

and scratches from the attack. It's a human right?" "Well, 

yes but there was lycan DNA inside the seman." The doctor

licks his lips. He's embarrassed because he's no idea how

to explain or help her with it. "WHAT?! LYCAN! YOU MEAN 


CRAP LIKE THAT!?" Michelle bows her head. "I'm sorry 

doctor. I didn't mean to snap, just this all is too much for 

me you know? It makes no sense. No rational sense at all." 

"I understand. I wish there was more I could tell you but 

at this time, I can not tell you more than what is." "Thank 

you." Michelle got dressed and left. She went home.

Michael had gone on the prowl. The others too spread out. 

Hunting in the woods and lower mountains to the homes of 

those hill people living off the grid. To the ones who live in 

the small community of Topanga Village. The went up towards 

the Ventura mountains and hunted there found some stray 

animals and campers. Michael went after the woman he had

mated with earlier. Something would not allow him not to go 

after her. There was this strong invisible force that kept pulling 

him towards her.

Michelle called her parents and siblings and told them about 

the attack and said she was home and would call them in the 

morning. Tomorrow was her late day so she'd see them for 

brunch. After the phone calls, Michelle showered and went to 

bed. She still felt strange. No appetite but also ravenous. Her 

sense were all messed up and the room seemed different to 

her. Seemed oblique. Drab. Lying down and trying to sleep.


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