"We have to get out of here," I gasped as the group of people began banging on the car and screaming at us through the closed windows.

Slowly, he began to maneuver his way through the crowd. After what seemed like forever, he was finally able to get back on the road and away from the paparazzi scene.

"That was crazy," I said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Where are we going now?"

Harry smiled cheekily. "It's a surprise. Sit back and relax."

I figured it wouldn't hurt to close my eyes for I bit, so I wiggled into the seat and got comfy. The next thing I knew, I was fast asleep.


"Brianna..." Harry sang gently and brushed strands of hair from my face.

I pried an eye open to find that we were parked in a grassy area surrounded by trees. The light piercing through the windows told me it was sometime around supper.

I moaned and sat up. Somewhere in the back of my brain did I realize Harry had gotten out of the car and was on his way to my side of the car. The door moved from underneath me and I nearly tumbled out onto the pavement.

"Woah! Easy does it," Harry said as he placed his arms underneath mine and lifted me to my feet, which were not very stable. "Did you have a good sleep?"

I nodded, not willing to speak just yet. He chuckled and grabbed my hand, leading me towards a forested area.

My stomach growled and twisted in hunger. "Harry, shouldn't we be going out to eat?" I croaked.

"Just wait," he said and continued to make his way through the brush.

My belly groaned again, this time louder then before. I decided not to make a complaint, knowing he had something planned for us. I followed him obediently as best I could through the trees. My feet managed to stumble over nearly every stone.

Eventually a lake came into view, and I realized this was the very spot Harry had taken me on the night of my birthday. Cocking my head to the side, I spotted the paved path that we had taken that night, and wondered why we hadn't gone that way this time.

We took a sudden turn and I was led even farther into the mass of trees. How he knew where he was going, I had no idea.

"Ladies first," Harry said after a while of walking. He stepped aside, enabling me to move past him. As soon as I did, I realized what he was doing.

A picnic blanket was set up neatly in the middle of a small clearing. Two place mats were set up, complete with plates, glasses, and cutlery. Candles flickered around a giant basket filled to the brim with food.

A genuine smile played on my lips. "Oh Harry," is all I could say.

"Take a seat." He prodded me towards the set up, and plopped me down at one of the place mats.

"What is this for?" I asked, taking in the numerous items of food that all looked so tasty.

He grabbed a glass of carbonated juice and filled both glasses halfway, before handing me one. "Because I love you."

My cheeks bloomed red and I bit my lip shyly. He leaned over and tipped my chin slightly, just enough for our eyes to lock. His green eyes pierced into mine, and my head began to spin.

"You are the most incredible person I have ever met," he whispered.

I wanted to speak, to tell him that he meant more to me then anything else, but the sound wouldn't come out. Instead, I communicated the message with my eyes. As his smile grew bigger, I knew he had understood.

I puckered my lips, signaling for him to kiss me. He laughed and closed the distance, capturing my lips in his. He felt warm and soft against me.

"Cheers to meeting the person of your dreams," he said when he pulled away, raising his glass.

"Cheers." The glasses made contact, creating a 'clinking' sound. Without a word, we raised the drinks to our mouths and sipped simultaneously.

Before I had the chance to set my cup down, Harry was already digging into the food, exclaiming how hungry he was. Following his lead, I filled my plate with all types of different food.

"Catch!" I said as I tossed a grape into the air. It missed his mouth by a few inches and it bounced off his face, landing in a pile of leaves.

He snickered teasingly, mocking my throwing skills. "Shut up!" I threw another grape in his direction, this time hitting him exactly where I wanted, smack-dab on the middle of his head.

"Hey!" He selected a grape of his own and shot it at me, catching me on the nose.

I gasped and giggled. Grabbing the remainder of my grapes, I hucked it at him and shot up, running down the hill, away from my future doom. He came thrashing down the hill after me, yelling playful threats.

"Brianna, get here right now, or else..." he was cut off suddenly and I could hear shuffling and crashing.

Turning to see what had happened, I didn't look where I was going and tripped over a root. I landed face first, with my arms sprawled in front of me.

Dirt spewed from my mouth as I spat it out. I propped myself on my elbows just as Harry's feet appeared in front of my face.

"Looks like we each had the same idea," he said, laughter in his voice. He held out a helping hand and I took it gratefully, pulling myself back to my feet.

His hand discreetly made its way around my hips, tugging me close. His forehead rested against mine as he began to sing 'One Thing' in his deep, flawless voice.

I squeezed my eyes shut and took in the moment. I couldn't help but think of where I would be if I hadn't ever taken the chance and ran away from home. Would I still he abused? Would I have suffered injuries any worse then last time?

I could safely say that the past couple months had been the best days of my life. I couldn't even imagine what my life would be like without Harry. I would be broken beyond repair if I lost him. I truly loved him with all my heart, and I knew that I wanted to be with him forever.

Suddenly my heart wrenched inside my chest. A bad feeling filled my stomach. Somehow I knew my mum was in trouble. Don't ask me how, but I knew that I had to get in contact with her right away.

I pushed away from Harry and my body instantly felt chilly without the warmth of his body.

"What's wrong Babe?" he asked. I could sense the fear in his voice. I could practically taste it.

"It's my mum. I don't know what's wrong, but I need to get to her. Now."

"Okay. Let's go to the car and you can call her."

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