Final Target

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Scott glares at her, speaking in a low, but menacing voice. "THAT night." Kori still looks confused, "what the actual fuck are you talking about!?" "You told me you loved me. Then that same night, caught you with another FUCKING man in our fucking bed." Kori's eyes widen. "How do you know about that!?" She screamed thrashing under Alexia.

Alexia grabbed her throat again. "Move and I squeeze harder. Lie and I'll squeeze harder."

"When I caught you, I never said a word. I was against hurting anyone I love. But... This is just crossing the line."

Alexia looks up at Scott and then back down to Kori. "Oh gods. It makes total sense now!" She says.  "Kori. I loved you." He leans in to kiss Kori on the lips, to everyone's surprise. Then all of a sudden, Scott raised his dagger, pulling away before moving to slit her neck, then stabbing her in the heart. "Thank you for being my final target." Alexia got off of Kori staring at Scott as she did.

He stood up from the body, taking the dagger out with him. He grinds his teeth, panting as he looked down at who used to be his fiancé. "Fucking bitch."
"Scott" Alexia says staring behind him.
"Hmm?" He says looking over to her.
She's looking out the window. "There's a boat." "Boat?" He asks. "A boat!" She says turning him around to the window so he can see the docked boat. Scott moves closer to the window, eyes widened and jaw-dropped when in fact he does see a boat. "Babe, we're going home." He jogs along with Alexia, hand in hand, straight for the boat. "Wait." She says stopping him. "Why would they just leave the boat here in plain sight?" She asks skeptically.

He turns to Alexia, realizing what she was talking about. "Matt said it was hidden, didn't he...." "Hidden and unprotected but we never asked what kind of boat. Should we go and look for the cove?" She says.

Scott looks to the direction of the boat, then to Alexia. "Beats going out in the open just to get picked off." "I think I saw it back this way." She says pointing towards the trees. "But we'll need to climb again so we don't get attacked by someone else." She says walking in the direction of the tree they climbed off of earlier. As they walked away the Boat exploded. Scott walked alongside her, hearing the explosion in the distance. "That was good question you asked, Alexia." He comments as they head towards the tree.

She smiles faintly. "I used to be apart of the FBI. Always question everything." She says which explains how well she could get around and how well she could hear the booby traps. They climb up the tree and walk along the branches right above the cove. "See?"

Scott climbs up after her, standing up before walking along the branches with her to see where she was pointing, fascinated. "Oh... no wonder you've got the moves." He says to her teasingly.
She blushes faintly. And he slaps his arm lightly. "Shut up you love it." She says smirking. "You know I do." He chuckles lightly slapping her ass. She pushes him against the trunk of the tree holding a hand over his mouth and a finger up to hers as if telling him to be quiet, then points down at the people talking below them. He nods slowly, looking down slightly to where she is pointing.

She pulls her hand away from her mouth squatting down closer to the branch to hear them.

"Kori isn't answering an neither is Matt." The first guy says.

"should we go look for them??" The second guy says somewhat worried. They walk off accidentally dropping a set of keys. "Are they gone...?" He whispers to Alexia, squatting down gently on the branch with her. "I think so." She says slowly climbing down the tree.

She lands on her feet and picks up the keys they dropped. "I think these are boat keys." She says still studying them.

"I hope they are." He turns back to see if the men were returning, before turning to Alexia again. "To the cove?" She nods her head. "This way." She says taking his hand and walking to the cove. They enter the cove and see the boat.

Scott looks at the real boat, slowly smiling upon the view of their escape. "There it is. We made it."

She kisses him passionately. "Shall we?" She says looking at him. "We shall." He kissed her once again, before moving towards the boat. She climbed into the boat pulling him in with her as she started the boat. It roared to life and she jumped in excitement. "We're going home." She says letting it sink in as she drives out of the cove. Following the gps to the nearest city. Scott leans back in the seat, looking up to the sky as they sped away from the island. After what felt like hours they finally reached a city off the coast of Florida.

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