Trust me.

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"Do you trust me?" She says looking up at the tree line. "Trust you? I mean.... Yeah?" He looks at Alexia suspiciously. "Follow me" she says scaling up the tree that's close to the edge of the cliff.

Scott hesitates for a moment, before doing what she says, scaling up the tree she's scaling.
They reach a branch that crosses over the wide gap connecting to another tree on the side. "You still trust me?" She looks at him then back at the other side of the gap.

Scott holds her hand tight, nodding slowly as he looks to the other side.She slowly starts following the branch to other branch holding onto Scott's hand. They reach the other side of the gap safely.

Scott breathes shakily, looking back to see if anybody was trailing them. "What now?" He turns to Alexia now, gazing between the preceding treeline and her.
"We continue" she says continuing to walk on the tree branches "if we stay high up they'll have to climb making them slower. And the leave hide us. How do you think I went so long without you seeing me for me to be able to hit you in the head with a coconut?" She says smirks at him.

"Ah, touche." He looks at her with a smirk as well, gently squeezing her hand.

She smiles at him before letting go of his hand to climb to a higher branch with more leaves to hide them. She hears twigs snapping and leaves crunching below them she drops down closer to the branch looking down to see what it is.Scott climbs up to a higher branch as well, hearing the snapping of twigs and rustling of leaves below. He remained hidden however, hiding behind the trees.

A deer walks under them and Alexia let's out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. "Look over there." She points to an abandoned beach house. "I don't think anyone knows about this half of the island. Or has ever explored it." She says looking at him. "There's a beach house here?" He leaps down on the branch she was standing on, inspecting the beach house. "Huh. There is more to it than meets the eye...."

She jumps a little as he lands beside her. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't even know about the other half of this damn island."

She grabs his hand and walks on the branches over towards the beach house to inspect it more.Scott walks with her hand in hand as they approach the beach house for a closer look.

She stops. "Wait. If you didn't know about this half of the island. That means they don't." She says.

"Yeah.... yeah, exactly." He responds, turning back to see if anyone followed them. She slowly starts climbing down the tree and starts walking towards the beach house.

Scott climbs to a lower branch, before leaping to the ground. He stood up, dusting himself before walking alongside Alexia to the house.
She slowly opens the door catching a trip wire and catching the arrow that is shot at Scott. "Someone was here. But Kori doesn't look smart enough to invoke one of these." She says walking more into the house. "Oh. No offense." She says turning around and looking at him.

Scott arches an eyebrow at Alexia, before shrugging his shoulders. "None taken." He responds, walking in after her.
She turns around and pushes him against the wall as another arrow is shot in the wall where he was standing just moments before.

"Someone doesn't want anyone walking around this house, huh?"
"Best way to make it safe is to walk around and diffuse everything. Stay close." She says walking through the house again.

"... and pray that--" Scott catches another arrow inches from Alexia's face, as she triggered another trap. "WE don't get killed by any of these traps."  "I think with our reflexes with should be good." She says smirking. She pulls him into her backing them up against a wall as another bow shoots into the wall that was beside Scott. She stares into his eyes. "Let's make it a game?" She says smirking.
"What's the prize, then sweetheart?" He asks her seductively as he moved off the wall. He ends up triggering another trap, with an arrow heading straight for him. He bends backwards, the arrow barely missing his face by an inch.

She then pulls him back kissing him as another arrow comes hurdling towards the spot where he was moments ago.

"Wow." He pulls away, chuckling at her beautiful reflexes. "Is that my prize?"

"Maybe. Maybe it's more than that." She ducks behind one of the walls pulling him with her.

"Heh, whatever you say." He looks towards another trap, this time it was different. An axe came swinging down towards them, prompting him to kick her away from him, before sliding back just as the axe hit the wall.

She hit the wall a little hard then ducked as she saw another axe came hurdling towards her and hit into the wall. She stood up and pulled the axe out of the wall. "Atleast we now have weapons." She laughs faintly. She looked to the side of her and saw stairs heading to what seemed like a basement and then stairs that went up.

Scott sees what she's looking at, crawling over to her. "Go one way, or both ways?" He asks her.

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