Making out with the Dead

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She wakes up and he's still asleep. Staring at him for a little bit before she finally gets up without waking him. She goes to explore the cave more.

Scott wakes up, his eyes darting around the cave for a couple moments. He sat up as he took another glance around the cave. He realises Alexia was around, but he just shrugged, and sat their by himself, looking towards the entrance.

Alexia screams as she trips over something.

Scott hears her scream, rolling his eyes as he got up from the floor. "Oh, now what..." He grumbled. He got up walking to find her only to find her on the ground surrounded by a bunch of skeletons. He stood over Alexia's soaked body, folding his arms as he looked down towards her in disappointment.
She looked at him "What?"

"What are you doing. Hm? What the fuck are you doing?" He asks her

"Looking for things." She says rolling her eyes. "It's not my fault I came across these bodies and tripped and fell." She gets up and dusts off the jeans she is now wearing.
"So.. You've been making out with skeletons." He says

"Oh yes I find it quite fun." She smiles at him and starts to walk towards where she was going again stepping over more skeletons.

"Yeah, having fun without me?" He asks as she approached him.

"Oh totally!" She says sarcastically. She gets closer to you and looks at you

"Mhm, I bet you were." He looked down to her now, with a smirk.
"Anywho." She says looking away. "While you were being lazy and sleeping I found us food, wood, clothes, and some other things I thought could be useful." She Starts walking back to where they slept.

"You never woke me up, hun. " He answers back, disgruntled as he walks back to the sleeping area of the cave.

"No I tried. You woke up and told me to leave you alone then rolled back over." She says smirking.

"Oh, young lady." Scott gently slaps her butt before going to sit back down. "Why do you tell such lies?"

She looks at him with dagger in her eyes. "That is mine sir."

"It won't be for long, sweetheart." He leaned over to grip onto her soft butt again, moving her cheek around gently.

She grabbed his wrist and twisted it away from him. "Touch my ass again  and you'll lose your hand." She says smirking.
"You enjoyed it. Don't lie to me." He smirks, pulling his hand away from her grip."Yeah okay." She says blushing and starts walking over to where she put everything. There was a bow and arrow, a couple of knives, his machete, food and clothes scatter in neat piles of the cave. "Hmph." Scott watches her walk towards the supplies she's collected, scanning her body rather the the supplies itself. "I like your assets." He commented. She turns around and glares at him.

"I was talking about the supplies." He says looking at the supplies.

"Oh" her face softens. "Thanks." She turns back around examining some of the knives.

"You're welcome." He says, before looking back to scan her body once again.

She drops one of the knives in her hand in front of her. She bends down picking it back up.

Scott watches her bend down to pick up the knife. He grins at the majestic view that is her ass, massaging his thigh with his hand.

Alexia leans back up throwing the knife at light speed and it hits someone in the head at the entrance of the cave.

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