The Blue Meridian.

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"Why do you say that?" She looks at you her face softening.

"I... I said I was leaving the hitman business. I was tired, worn out... my wife just divorced me, I just wanted to go home." He clenches his fists as he told the story. "I said that to my superior. I told him I was taking my ball and going home." She looks at him telling him to continue taking his hands in hers.

"The last thing I remember, I was on a ship, stowing away to escape to another country. Then I just... blacked out."

Her eyes widen. "What ship?"
"Some cargo ship, I don't know the name of it."
"Where were you headed?" She asks getting up and pacing the cave."
"Anywhere but home."

"I was on a ship a while back too.. it was a cargo ship I was on my way to Australia. Abusive marriage and he got mad after I filed for divorce. He wasn't happy. He kidnapped me and tortured me.. that's why I have so many scars on my body.. I escaped and snuck into the ship." She says shaking.

"Do you remember the name of the ship, or what it looked like?" He asks. "It was a black, blue and white cargo ship. Uhm. Blue Meridian." She says.

"Wait... I recognize what the ship looked like." She looks at him questionably. "What'd it look like?""The same colors as the ship you were on..." He looks to Alexia, having come to the conclusion that they may have been on the same ship.

"Do you know what all they were carrying on the ship?" She asked.
"That ship had containers, wooden boxes... what else...."
Alexia walks back over to him. "Breathe, and think. Don't think too hard you'll hurt your brain." She said rubbing his shoulders. "There were people above the deck I was on. Uhm.. There was some heavy machinery equipment, but I can't place what they were for." "Y-yeah, I saw those too. I couldn't figure out what those people had in mind with those things, either." He says looking behind him and up at her.

Alexia looks at Scott once again. "Oh my gods. I remember you. I saw you."

"You did? Where?" He said standing up and facing towards her.

"I walked up to the first deck to get some fresh air. You were there too. You were staring out at the ocean, and someone came up behind you putting a clothe to your mouth. I turned away as soon as I could so I wouldn't be next, and they pushed you over bored. Next thing I know I'm waking up on this island with the feeling that I need to run and hide. So I did."

"Wha-" Scott was so dumbfounded, he just collapsed on his knees, shaking his head in disbelief. "No, no, no..."

She knelt beside him grabbing his hands. "Hey hey hey. It's okay."

He rests against Alexia, taking broken, short breaths. He couldn't believe the truth, but he was powerless to do anything at this point.

She holds him running her fingers through his hair.

"I hate to break up this little moment." Kori says from behind them.
Scott looks up, the expression on his face changing quickly. "What do you want."

"I'm not supposed to be here but you need to trust me. There's a boat fixing to head into the cove. And you two need to get on it before he makes me kill you both." She says. Scott looks at Alexia, then Kori. "How do we know you're telling the truth?"

"You're right I'm not." Kori throws a dagger at Alexia.

Alexia catches it a few centimeters from her face throwing it back at Kori hitting her in her shoulder blade.
"Run." Alexia looks at Scott grabbing his hand and pulling him.

"Shit..." Scott got up quickly, bolting out straight out of the entrance of the cave.

Alexia stopped making Scott run into her. "We can't go any farther." She says looking down off a cliff. "Shit." He turns back around, looking at Alexia, then to the treeline. "Now what?"

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