Falling into a void.

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She falls onto the beach landing on her feet looking  up for him. She laughs faintly and starts to run deep into the trees on the island, she finds the tallest one and starts climbing it to the very top looking down and seeing everything that's happening around her.
Scott lands on his feet on the beach, this time, his appearance was a lot more menacing. His physical appearance was a lot more battle-scarred. He wasn't wearing his glasses anymore, his blue and hazel eyes seen a lot more clearly.
She watches him land and looking him up and down thinking to herself "holy fuck." She then walks on a large branch to another branch on a tree.
"Where are you, girlie? You can't hide from me!" He yelled out across the island. He gripped onto his machete tightly, before moving closer to the island's native forests.

She drops lower to the branch hiding behind leaves watching him carefully.
Scott stops in front of the treeline, sniffing the air. The clouds begin to roll in over the island, before it began to rain shortly after. He looks to the sky, shutting his eyes, and smiled wildly. He stretches his arms apart, before letting out a confident, yet horrific scream.

Smirking at him she stands back up and continues walking on the tree branches till she's  on the other side of the tree line far from Scott. She then sees a palm tree slightly close to her. Grabbing some of the coconuts she sniffs them to make sure they ain't bad or poisoned before breaking one open against the tree taking a drink of it. She saves the other one for later on in case she can't find anything else.
He sniffs the air again, before looking towards a tree. He walks over to the tree, wrapping his arms around it. He then begins to scale the tree, making his way up towards the closest branch he could reach.
She looks down at him hiding as close to the trunk of the tree as she can watching him carefully and waiting till he's closer to her.
Scott reaches the closest branch, grabbing onto it with one hand. He lets go of the base of the tree, swinging around on the one branch. With all his might, he pulled himself up onto the branch, before standing up on it.
With the coconut in her hand she knocks him out  making him fall to the ground. She jumps down and grabs the machete checking his body for anything else. As she runs her hand up his shirt to make sure there's nothing there. Feeling his toned muscles, "holy fuck." She pulls her hand away and ties him to the base of the tree with the rope she found on his body.

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