17. Sick

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Song I'm currently listening too - Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen

Josh's POV

After returning home from Philly on Friday, nothing much had happened. It was now Sunday and schools were off for half term until Wednesday. Evie was going to be staying at Shawn and Katy's house as Maya had gotten sick and the last thing we wanted was for Evie to catch her bug.

"Josh. I need you." I heard my fiance call from the room. I was in the kitchen making her some of her favourite vegetable soup.

"I'm coming baby." I shouted back. I put the soup on a tray and I made her a banana and raspberry ripple milkshake (extra thick so she could eat it with a spoon).

"I don't feel good." She said as she appeared in the door frame.

"Go sit down on the sofa. I'll give you this for your lunch." She sat on the sofa and I sat the tray on her lap, "I'll go get your blanket from our room." I smiled then left.

Maya's POV

Ever since we got back from Philadelphia yesterday, I've been feeling really sick. Josh has been the best. He's still getting paid although he isn't going back to work until after our wedding. It's so cute the way Evie is trying to help him with the laundry as he can't do it.

"Baby, do you want to have have a shower and get changed? It might make you feel better." Josh suggested.

"I can't be bothered moving." I felt really ill. I'd only ever really ill like that one other time in my life. When I was 15. And pregnant and with Evie.

"Awe, come here sweetie." He sat next to me and pulled me into his chest and pulled a blanket over us. "Have a nap and you might feel better." I closed my eyes, lay my head on Josh's chest and fell asleep.

Josh's POV

Maya had been asleep on my for an hour when she started to wriggle around. All of a sudden, she got up and ran to the bathroom. I spared no time before I followed her.

"Maya, baby open the door." I said while knocking on the bathroom door.

Maya's POV

Baby. I couldn't be pregnant. My period has always be irregular after I got it back after Evie was born.

"I'm fine Josh. Just sick. Nothing knew." I leaned back against the wall after I was sick for the millionth time that weekend.

"You sure that's all that up? You sound like you're crying. Please unlock the door." I was crying. I unlocked the door anyways and he entered the room.

"What's up?" He asked me.

"Nothing. I just hate feeling ill when all I want to do is snuggle with you and our baby girl on the sofa all day. Can you go get her from my parents? I miss her." Technically, this was all true but I just missed out the fact that I thought I was pregnant.

"Of course I'll go get her. Anything you want." He kissed my head and then left to go get Evie.

Josh's POV

A couples hours later and I was sitting on Maya and I's bed with both my girls. Maya and Evie were under the covers snuggling together. I looked down at my watch and realised it was almost 8.30 pm and a school night for Evie. Luckily I didn't need to go into work as I was getting paid until the after Me and Maya got married in a couple months. Although I had made Maya a doctors appointment and I was going to take her after I dropped Evie at school.

"Let's go baby girl. Time for bed." I said reaching out to pick her up, but she pulled away and snuggled closer to Maya.

"No. I need to stay here and make sure Mummy gets better." I knew shelved her mum more than anything. It's the cutest thing ever.

"I'll be with mummy all night. She'll be better soon. We both don't want you getting sick, so how about I take you to your room, tuck you in bed and read your favourite story." She stood up and jumped into my arms.

"Okay. I trust you'll look after mummy. Now, I want the adventure story not the romantic one cause they kiss and it's really gross and ew-y." She made a fave like she had just bit into a lemon.

"I think we can make that happen. Now let's go." I carried her through to her room and made a noise of an aeroplane, as she thought she was flying when I did that.

Maya's POV

He was so good with her. He loved her and it was clear the feeling was mutual.

"Hey, I brought you a bottle of water and a bucket incase you wanna throw up but don't wanna leave our bed." Josh came back in the room with the items he said he had. I just smiled at him as he placed them down next to my side of the bed and walked around to his.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked.

"Just you, and to how cute you are with out daughter. Plus I'm feeling quite a bit better." He smiled back at me as I spoke.

"I always knew you'd be an amazing mum." He confessed.

"How come?" I asked.

"When you, Cory, Topanga, Riley and 1 year old Auggie, came to visit my parents and I during Spring Break I remember something really cute happening."

"Auggie took his first steps in the backyard." I said, but was still confused on how this made him think I'd be an amazing mum.

"Riley left to go get another cookie from the kitchen. I was at the window with my mum watching you with Auggie. When he stood up, you held your hands out and he walked towards you by himself. I'll always remember that smile you had on your face. You were so happy with yourself." He looked at me and smiled and I blushed. "I love you Maya."

"I love you too." He climbed back into bed next to me and pulled me into his arms. "When I'm at my doctors appointment tomorrow, I'm gonna get blood work done. My period has been irregular since after Evie was born. I just want to know why it's like that and see if I can a pill that makes it more regular. The only thing is the pill I will get is most likely going to be birth control, and I wanna talk about having more kids and your thoughts about that. A thought did cross my mind that I could be pregnant this afternoon but the dates wouldn't add up as I've had a period since last time we, um, did stuff."

"Thanks for being honest with me. I would love to have more kids with you Maya, but we don't need to rush anything. If you want to take the pill to make your period more regular, then you should. It's your body and it's your choice. Thank you for asking though. I love you so much."

"I love you too. And I'll always be honest with you, until death do us part." I giggled.

"It's not time for the vows yet baby." I kissed my temple and we fell asleep.

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