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10 years later. . .

"Mom! Emery hit me!"

"Mom! Mason's lying!"

The two boys start bickering back and forth, I turn around and give them my best 'mom' look. Both stop dead sentence and stare up at me.

"Emery, Mason," I scold, my hands on my hips. "Go. Sit. Down." both boys dart from the room and settle down on the couch. I let out a deep breath and turn back to my cooking. I hear the front door open and then someone's arms are around me.

"Hello Queenie." Kent whispers, kissing my cheek. I spin around and press a lingering kiss to his mouth. He pulls away. "Is there a reason our sons are sitting on the couch?"

I smile. We both know those boys don't stop moving for anyone, except their mother when she's mad.

I shrug. "They were being loud and whiney." he lets out a laugh, I smile. I'd always loved Kent's laugh. "So, where's Audrey?"

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" my little girl comes bouncing into the kitchen. I pick her up, smoothing down her hair. I notice she's in her ballet outfit. "I just got back from practice." she beams.

I smile. "How was it?"

"Good. Ms. Yvette isn't as nice as you though. When are you coming back? The other girls want to know too." she says, sticking out her bottom lip.

"As soon as your daddy says I can." I tease, Kent shoots me a disapproving look.

Audrey turns to him. "Daddy! Let mommy come back!"

He takes her from me and kisses her head. "The doctor said a few days. It's been one."

A day or so ago I sprained my ankle teaching the girls a move, it was an accident and it feels fine now.

"Sweetie, go get your brothers, it's time for dinner." I say, she nods and Kent puts her down. She dashes for the living room. I smile after my little girl, Audrey Lyn is five years old. Born five years after her twin brothers, Emery Theodore and Mason Connor, who are ten.

After Mason and Emery were born, I spent most of my time taking care of them. Being a stay at home mom, Kent is home as much as he can be and puts his family before his work. When the boys were five years old, Kent got me pregnant again. But this time, he got his little girl. Not that he wasn't ecstatic to have the boys, but he wanted a little girl. When Audrey turned three, I was getting bored of being home all the time, so I got a job. I got a job at the local ballet studio teaching little girls basic moves. I would take Audrey with me very day and she'd help and watch me. When she turned four, she wanted to take lessons. So she's now in my class. Emery and Mason play practically any sport they want, I don't like to limit them. 

Around the time I got pregnant with Audrey, Juliette was pregnant with her fast child. She was born a month after Audrey and her name is Elsa Lee. Elsa is Juliette and Andrew's first and only child. Juliette was found with cervical cancer and had surgery to remove the cancer. But something went completely wrong during the operation and they ended up having to have her uterus removed before something else happened. She kind of fell into a depression afterwards, not begin able to have anymore kids, but she got better. It's still a touchy subject though, we don't bring it up often. She spends as much time with Elsa as she can, that little girl is her life. I support her every step of the way.

Speaking of. . . someone knocks o the door and I smile.

Right on time, as usual.

I open the door and Juliette, Andrew, and little Elsa are standing there. "Hi Auntie Lettie!" she squeaks, her brown curls hanging from her ponytail. I pick her up and prop her on my hip.

"Hey Ellie, how's it going?" I ask, she shrugs and looks around.

"Fine. Me and Audrey miss you in class." she says, still looking around. I laugh a and set her down. "Where is Audrey?"

"With her brothers, could you go get them? It's time to eat." I say, she nods and runs off. I look at Juliette and Andrew, who both envelope me in a hug. I laugh.

"Hey Colie, what's up?" Jules asks, sitting down at the table. I pour her a glass of wine and sit down with her while Andrew goes off to find Kent.

"Nothing really." I smile. "Same old same old."

She smiles. "Nothing really changes, huh."

I shake my head. "No, same thing everyday practically. But I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"Me either. I love everything I have right now." she says, sipping her glass tentatively. I rest against the chair and sigh.

"Did you think we would ever end up like this?" I ask, she looks at me, confused.

"Like what?" she asks, in gesture around me.

"Like this. So happy and normal." I ask, she laughs.

"Hell no. I figured you'd be a virgin forever." she laughs, making me swat her playfully. "But in all seriousness," she says calming down. "I didn't think something like this could happen. Having great kids, great husbands. I'm happy everything turned out like this. I wouldn't trade ,y life for the world."

I shake my head. "I couldn't imagine it any different."


I plop down on the bed, face first. After an exhausting night, I just want to go to sleep. I hear a deep chuckle sound behind me and I sit up. Kenya stating at me, amused.

"Tired, Queenie?" he asks, I smile.

"Shut it. You didn't spend all day cooking and cleaning." I tease, he rolls his eyes.

"I guess I didn't but, still." he jokes, sitting down beside me. I roll onto my side and take his hand in mine. "You know, they're all asleep." he says, smirking at the end of his sentence.

I raise a playful eyebrow. "Is that so?"

He leans in closely, his lips brushing my neck. "Mhm, yes."

"Kent," I say, tangling my fingers in his hair, letting him kiss my throat. "what if Audrey comes in tonight?"

"She hasn't come in here in awhile, I think we'll be fine." he says, grabbing my hips and pulling me onto his lap. I straddle him and allow him to kiss me. He lies down on the bed, me still over top of him and lets his hands roam.

I pull away for a moment and stare down at him. "Kent, I love you."

"I love you too, Queenie." he smiles, pressing a lingering kiss to my cheek. I bury my face in his neck and give it a soft kiss.

"What are we gonna do when they don't need us anymore?" I ask, his hands rib my back.

"They'll always need us. And there's a long time before that happens, so don't sorry about it." he says, staring at me thoughtfully. "Don't worry."

I smile. "Okay, I won't." I kiss him again. "But to stop myself, I'll have to distract myself."

He chuckles. "I think I might have a way for you to do that." he mumbles, flipping us over.

"Well then," I break away, smirking up at him. "Show me."

He groans. "I love you Colette."

"I love you too, Kent."

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