Chapter Twenty Three: New House

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"Is that the last box?" I hear Kent ask.

"It should be. Have a nice day, Mr. Mallard." the mover-man says as he walks away. Sending me a friendly wave as I stand in my new kitchen, in my new house.

It's not a grand house. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, living room, and basement. It's the smallest house I've ever lived in, but I love it all the same. We have decent space, front and backyard, a garage, and neighbors that are close but not too close. It's perfect.

"How are you doing?" Kent asks, coming up behind me, locking his arms around my waist. He and the movers just finished moving everything that we kept from the old house to this one. Kent had made sure that the bed in our room set up and everything in the kitchen was running smoothly.

I turn around in his arms and wrap mine around his neck. "I'm doing fine, what about you?" I tease.

Kent rolls his eyes. "I'm just making sure you're not stressing over something you're not supposed to."

I stretch up on my toes to kiss him. "I'm not stressing." I pull away from him and sigh. "If anything you're stressing and it's gonna be hell for everybody if you don't calm down."

He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. " Sorry, I just-I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do."

"Me either." I peck his cheek. "But that's why we have each other. . .and the internet."


A few days later, we have everything settled. Most of the boxes are unpacked and everything is in its rightful spot. I smile as I collapse on the couch and Aladdin curls up on my stomach. I felt bad because with everything going on recently, I'd forgotten about him. I pet behind his ears and kiss his head. He's still pretty small, I have a feeling he was the runt of his litter.

"So everything's in place. The only we have left to do is paint and buy food." Kent says, lifting up my legs and laying them over his. I stare at him and nod.

"When are we gonna paint?" I ask, he shrugs and links one hand with mine.

"Well, I can do it one day when you're out. You aren't supposed to be around paint fumes and before the babies are born, they can't be around them either. So I'll make plans to have Andrew help me paint the rooms when we find of the gender of the twins."

I smile and scoot Aladdin off my lap, then sit up so I can wrap my arms around Kent's neck.

"What do you think they are?" I ask, the giddiness very clear in my tone. Kent kisses my head and shrugs.

"I don't know. I'm hoping for a little girl and a little boy." he says, I mess his hair up and smile.

"Why so we can paint half the room pink and the other half blue?" I ask, he laughs, shaking his head.

"No, I just want one of each." he tells me, brushing some hair behind my ear. "And I want my little girl to look just like her mommy."

I blush and pull Kent in for a kiss. He picks me up, sitting me on his lap and runs his hands over my hips. We sit there awhile, kissing and breaking away to smile at each other, before kissing again.

"You know," I say pulling away and pressing soft kisses to his collarbone and neck. "There's an unoccupied bed upstairs that could be of some use." I stop kiss in him long enough to send him a teasing look. He smirks down at me and in a second has me gathered in his arms, taking me upstairs.

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