Chapter Three: Shifen Waterfall

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The bellboy drops my luggage in the doorway of the hotel room, along with Kent's. I look around, struck by the décor. It has a blue and green color scheme, white furniture, appliances. I walk into the bedroom-the only bedroom-and take note of turquoise bedsheets. The balcony doors have light blue curtains and the room is a willow green.

"What do you think?" Kent asks, startling me. I turn to face him, glowering. I know I shouldn't be, he's been nothing but kind to me since we've been married. But it's been maybe a day, he has to make up for four years of torment. And a cute smile and nice words aren't going to gain my trust.

"It's nice." I say neutrally. He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Alright, I'll bring your bags in, go ahead and get some sleep." he says, sulking away. I watch after him, guiltily. I could be nicer. . .

He could have been nicer in high school.

True, but-

"Here." he says, setting my things down beside my feet. I notice him walking away again.

Unwillingly, I speak up. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to sleep." he says, pointing to the couch. I scrunch my brows and look at him confused.

"On the couch?" I ask.

"Yes." he shrugs. "I don't think we're ready for the whole "share a bed" thing."

I bite my lip and sigh, going through my luggage, I pull out a gown and my glasses. (Luckily my mother packed them for me). I shut the door and start to unzip the back of my dress, letting it slide onto the floor and pull the nightgown on. I head into the bathroom, taking out my contacts, then sliding my glasses on.

While I'm brushing my teeth, there's a knock on the door. I unlock it, looking at Kent. He flinches then smiles at me.

"I haven't seen those things since freshman year." he teases, I pull on a lock of my hair and twirl it on my finger.

"My mother hates them." I say, walking past him into the bedroom.

"I think they're cute." he says, I stop dead in my tracks. Quickly, I spin around to face him, but he's already shutting the door.

I stand there, stunned, unmoving for the longest time. Staring at the closed door, waiting for Kent to open it and laugh in my face, then proceed to call me a geek or nerd or dork or-

"Are you just standing there because you're frozen or. . .?" Kent questions, walking out of the bathroom. I blink and blush, finally turning away and walking into the bedroom. I go to shut it, but Kent's hand stops it and he grins at me. I don't realize it at first, but he raises his hand and touches my cheek.

"I've always loved your blush." he says, not smiling. His expression is unreadable, but serious. Sudden nervousness creeps into his eyes, which is easy to see. I never paid attention before to his dull blue eyes, his strong, stubbly jaw, or the creases in between his eyebrows, most likely from stress. I've never gotten a close look at him, but what I saw from a distance made me swoon. Up close: I'm a goner.

"Kent, we need to get some sleep." I murmur, dropping my eyes from his. I catch his small smile before he drops his hand and backs up.

"Goodnight Colette."


"Are we there yet?" I ask for the seventh time, each time Kent ignores me and laughs.

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