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As a child, weddings were everything to me. Everything I dreamed about. The thought of spending the rest of my life with the man I love, would tickle my insides and make me wish that day was the next. But now as mine comes closer and closer, I feel myself wanting to run and hide. I'm battling with myself everyday whether I should stay or go, never knowing what to do and never coming to a conclusion. As the sun sets each day, I'm sitting in my room, crying myself to sleep, hoping I'll work up the courage to runaway the next day. But even in my naïve little mind, I know that I will do the same thing I always do; be a good little girl and do as mommy and daddy dearest say.

With those last few words, I close my diary and lock it. It was a gift from my Uncle Trevor and Aunt Layla. I was sixteen when they came and visited me for the last time. Layla had handed me the book and kissed the top of my head. Telling me she would see me soon.

But they didn't. And I don't blame them, my parents banned them from seeing me and then got into a huge lawsuit over me. Obviously, my parents won and my aunt and uncle weren't allowed to see me ever again.

I focus on the worn, faded leather covering, running my fingers along the binding. The paper was coarse and thick, the book is thick. It's about the width of a dictionary, I've only used about one-fourth of it. I don't write every night, just when I need to get my mind off things.

With a soft sigh, I set my book down and grasp onto my necklace, which has the key on it. I make sure it's securely locked and head over to bed. I take off my black rimmed glasses, setting them on my nightstand. Then I notice the balcony doors are open, allowing enough moonlight in so I wasn't trapped in complete darkness. The gentle breeze blows my silk night gown behind me, billowing in the wind. I close the doors, then head over to my bed, pulling back the white canopy netting. As I climb into bed, I let the netting fall around me, closing me off from the real world into my own. I rest my head against the millions of pillows, letting my hair sprawl out around me.

I don't fall asleep right away, I stare out the window up at the night sky. I watch the stars twinkle, burn brighter then thought possible. The half moon shines like a flashlight into my bedroom, nearly blinding me. I smile only slightly as the sounds of the city sing their lullaby to put me to sleep.



I open my eyes and sit up, glancing around the room. My eyes first find my alarm clock which reads six in the morning. I'm usually up at five thirty, I guess my mother let me sleep in.

"Colette, chéri! Are you awake?" Mollie, my maid, calls out. She's French, but trying to speak in English so she can come to America on more than just a work visa.

I get out of bed and make my way into my closet. The closet is actually the size of a bedroom, it's ridiculous. I pull down my personalized Vera Wang daytime dress. It's a baby pink, sweetheart dress. The hem is just above my knees, and has a black sash wrapping around the midsection, tying in a bow in the back. I set it out on my bed then walk into my en suite, to take a shower.

When I'm done, I put on a strapless black lace bra and matching panties. I grab my robe, tying it around me, then work on my hair.

"Colette!" Mollie comes into my room, taking the brush from my hands. She starts running the brush through while scolding me in French.

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