Chapter Twelve: The Contract

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Her birthday is in two days and we've been married nearly two months.

Two months. . .why does it seem like longer than that?

I push that thought away to the back of my mind and look at the sleeping beauty beside me. She's become accustom to sleeping in my room and if I put her in her room, she makes me stay with her. I smile and stroke her strawberry blonde hair back from her face. I love that she's impacted by me.

"Kent, why are you awake?" she grumbles, swatting my hand away. I chuckle and wrap my arms around her.

"Because I have to go to work." I say, snuggling closer to her. She wiggles out of my hold and sits up. I discreetly keep my eyes on her chest as she adjusts herself. I love the fact she sleeps without a bra, although, it has resulted in a few cold showers in the morning.

"Then why are you still here?" she asks, my eyes snap back up to her. She's glaring down at me, knowingly. I smirk.

"Because work is boring and I have meetings all day?" I answer, though it comes out a question. She rolls her eyes and pushes me out of bed. I grab her wrist and pull her into me.

"Come with me to work today." I demand, she laughs.

"So I can humor you in your boring meetings?" she asks, I grin.

"Exactly." I say, she looks at me then grins back.

"Okay, but you'll regret it." she says as she walks into the bathroom. I smirk at her, watching her hips sway as she walks away.

I don't think I will.


"Your office is a mess." she says, scrunching her nose. I look around the space, it isn't messy, it's comfortable. She goes around and starts throwing things away and places others where they need to go. I laugh at her.

"You're tidying my office?" I ask, she shrugs. "Last time I checked, you weren't my assistant."

She looks at me and smirks. "Nope, but I am your wife."

I get chills every time she reminds me. I love it that she constantly uses that term. I grin and step forward, taking her by the hips and pulling her into me.

"Yes, you are." I smile and lean down, kissing her lips. She chuckles and wraps her arms around my neck, tilting her head to the side. I slide my hands down to her ass and give it a firm squeeze. She groans and pulls back.

"Was that necessary?" she deadpans, I laugh and kiss her forehead.

"Very." I say, letting go of her. I walk over to my desk and look over my schedule, in complete business mode. "I have a meeting in an hour, some E-mails to send out, and some calls to make."

"Anything you need my help with?" she asks, coming over and looking over my schedule as well. She stops as she notices something on the sheet.

"This is about the contract." she says, pointing to the meeting I have. I look down and notice she's right. The meeting is with our parents about signing the contract. I didn't even know it was ready. I look at her, she's fuming. "Why didn't you tell me?"

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