Chapter Seventeen: Papercuts

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As I'm driving, I can't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. He didn't mean it, he never means it. He's never cared.

He doesn't love me.

I feel so shitty. I gave myself to him, I trusted him, I cared for him. And that's what get in return? Divorce? Was he just going to use me and throw me away? Was this his plan all along?

Well, I definitely helped speed things up! Didn't I?

I can believe I was stupid enough to fall for this! For him! This is by far my biggest regret, falling for him again.

Yet at the same time, when I looked into his eyes, something was there. Definitely something. Maybe he did mean it, Maybe he does love me?

Or maybe I'm mental?

I pull up to Juliette's house and run up, pounding on her door. Tears streaming my cheeks still, she opens it and the sight she sees, makes her stop and stare.

"Colette? Colie, what happened?" she asks, holding her arms out to me. I fall into her and let her calm me.

I'm at a loss of what to say. So I just say the first thing that comes to mind.

"He gave me a papercut Jules." she sighs and brings me inside. We settle on her couch and she holds me while I cry.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks, I rest my head on her lap.

"Not right now." I mumble.

"Why don't I go set up the guestroom for you? I'm sure you'll be staying a few days." she says, I nod and sit up so she can get up. I'm left alone, I bring my knees up to my chest and stare at the wall, crying.

How could he do this to me?

"Colette?" I whip my head to see Andrew staring at me. "What are you doing here? And why are you crying?"

"Kent. . ." I trail off, he shushes me and pulls me into his chest.

"It's okay. Calm down. It will all get better soon." he says, I sniffle and pull away from him.

"Thank you." I say, he nods and looks behind me. Juliette is standing there, holding a hand out to me. I get up and follow her upstairs, I take in the small house. It's the right size to raise a family, no where near as BG as mine and Kent's home. It could be a hotel for crying out loud.


Push him out of your mind, you don't need to think about him.

"Just lie down, we'll talk later." she says, I nod and cover myself with the blanket.

"Can you call Mollie and have her go get my diary from the house?" I ask, sheepishly. She smiles at me and nods.

"Sure, Colie. I'll call her right now." she says and walks from the room.

I push everything from my mind and go to sleep.


"Is she still sleeping?" a voice asks, holding a thick French accent.

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