Chapter Fourteen: The Beginning of a Heated Night

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"Please Kent? One more?" Colette pleads, holding up a finger. I groan and shake my head.

"No Colette. You've had enough." I say, taking the shot from her. She pouts and crosses her arms over her chest. Which my eyes automatically glue to.

I swear, I'm going to murder Juliette.

It wouldn't have been so bad seeing her in that tight-as-fuck dress, if there wasn't a dozen other guys staring at her as well. Her body should be for my eyes only.

"Kent, I've only had two drinks!" she exclaims, holding up two fingers. I take her hand and kiss her palm.

"But you're also only nineteen. You're lucky I'm letting you have any." I say, she scoffs.

"You're only twenty!" she argues, making me laugh.

"Yes. . .but I own this place." I smirk, her face drops to an expression of bewilderment. She takes a moment and looks around.

"Really?" I nod and she shakes her head. "I don't care. Let me have one more drink!"

I roll my eyes. "No."

She huffs and stalks off. "Fine. I'm gonna go dance with Juliette."

I shake my head and laugh, making my way back to our table. I see Colette pulling Juliette out onto the floor, so I decide to join Andrew back at the table. He raises his glass toward me and smiles.

"She told us you wouldn't let her have anymore drinks." he says, taking a long swig of whatever the hell is in that glass. It's layered blue, white, and green. Not very appealing to me.

"I don't want her to get hammered. Plus, she's still a kid." I shrug, hating the way it sounded.

"You want a kid in bed tonight?" he jokes, making me chuckle.

"Don't say of like that, it makes me sound like a pedophile." I tell him, drinking my beer.

"Well, I'm only speaking the truth. I know I want Juliette tonight." he says, looking at the floor at the girls. I follow his gaze and keep my eye on Colette. She has a large smile on her face and her hips sway with Juliette's. I see guys watching them, every now and again, Juliette will step closer to Colette like they're a couple. She catches me watching and sends me a smile.

"Kent?" Andrew asks, pulling my attention away from her. I turn to look at him and he's smirking at me.

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He shakes his head and gets up.

"Nothing, I'm gonna go get Juliette and head home. You should probably to the same before Colette decides to sneak away and get a drink."

He has a point. I get up as well and make my way to the girls. Colette immediately sees me and stops dancing.

"Come on, we're gonna go." I say over the music. She sighs but nods, grabbing Juliette and pulling her along with us.

I wave bye to Andrew as we head to our cars. It's a bit colder tonight and Colette is clutching her arms like her life depended on it. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her shaking body.

"Don't worry, we're almost at the car." I tell her, she nods and allows me to guide us. When we get to the car, I get my jacket from the backseat and hand it to her.

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