Chapter 4 - Chat

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July 31st, 1991 (P.O.V- Severus's)-

I can't do this. I can't take care of child. What was Dumbledore thinking.

After the plates were washed and put up, I looked down at the girl. She looked pretty amazed at magic so far.

"Stay here. Don't touch anything while I'm gone, and don't go anywhere." I instructed.

I just didn't want her to break anything or get in trouble. Lord knows what a curious child could do with potions nearby.

Hopefully she knows not to go into any other rooms other than to just sit down on the sofa.

July 31st, 1991 (P.O.V - Amelia's) -

"Stay here. Don't touch anything while I'm gone, and don't go anywhere." He had told me before he went into the fireplace and burst into flames.

It must have been something related to magic.

As I remembered his words my body stiffened.

Right. Don't touch. Don't move.

My memories of Ms. Peterson punishing me started running through my mind. My breathing shortened and I starting taking breaths in short gasps.

After a while I had managed to hold back tears. If I cried the punishment would have been worse.

So to distract me from the memories I dug my nails Into the palm of my hands as I curled them into fists.

The pain had numbed after a while.


(Severus's P.O.V)

After I had used floo powder to get into Dumbledore's office I marched up to his desk.

He glanced up from what he was doing and gave me a questioning look.

"Do you need something Severus?"

"I can't do it."

"Do what?"

"Don't feign ignorance with me. You know full well I'm talking about the child."

"I wasn't feigning ignorance Severus. I was merely asking you to be more specific. There are many things you can't do. But, I believe you're referring to Amelia." He replied.

"I'm not good with...children..or people." I said with distain.

" hasn't even been a week. Give it time. She will warm up to you. And I'm sure, you will find that being in the presence of a child isn't a burden."

"Plus, you don't have to take her to go get her school supplies. I already have something planned."


(Amelia's P.O.V)

The blood started flowing from the deep cuts I made in my palms. To prevent the floor getting dirty I put my hands in my pockets.

A few minutes later Severus walked out of the fire place and in front of me.

"Why are you still in the exact same spot as when I left you?" He asked.

"Well..I..You said not to move or touch anything..."

He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"That's..not what I meant...You know what forget it."

"A man named Hagrid is going to take you to Diagon Alley in a few minutes. Sit on the couch and wait for him to enter, that doesn't mean you have to sit motionless. You read some of the books if you'd like. I'll be in my study."

I watched as Severus walked away. There were many books to choose from..Ms. Peterson would kick me out of the house sometimes when I accidentally dropped one of my textbooks from school. Which meant I was away from the materials I needed to study. That lead me to walking to the local library, I'm pretty sure I had read more than half the books there out of boredom.

I walked over to a shelf and picked up a small book titled 'Advanced Potion Making'. This should be interesting.


Thank you guys for the patience, my procrastination levels have sky rocketed 😅
A new chapter will be up tomorrow to make up for it. Thank you so much to those who have read the story, it really means a lot. I was never really expecting much from the book, but the fact that there are more than 200 reads has really inspired me to continue writing this. ❤❤

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