Chapter 14 - The Forest

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(P.O.V- Amelia's) -

"Thank you for the lovely meal." As per usual I neatly put my utensils on my plate and made my way back to my room after dinner.

I took the bottle of the potion I was working on out from under the bed and put it back in the cauldron. Right, back to work. With Hermione's book close by I resume the process. Since Severus had given me that box for Christmas I can really get this project going. I wonder what kind of animagus I'll be. Hopefully not something like a fish, that would be inconvenient.

All was going well until there was an ingredient in the recipe I didn't recognize. I checked the labels in the box Severus gave me and it wasn't in there either. I flip through the book and realize it's only found in the forbidden forest.

I shake my head to get rid of any ideas. I can't go in there. It's called the forbidden forest for a reason..but..

I'll just pop in, get it, and come right back out. No. It's a bad idea. I could get in trouble, or hurt. Severus would be mad at me...but if I show him I can make these complicated potions then..then it would be worth it right?

I dim the fire and close the book. I dig through my trunk for a cloak, once finding it, I put it on. No going back after this. I have to commit.


Don't do this to me Lin, I'm trying to psych myself up here.


Please just let me do this.



'What do you think you're doing'

I just need this one ingredient and I can complete this potion.

'And do you think going into the forbidden forest in the dead of night is the best idea?'

No, but I won't take long. I'll be back quick, and nothing bad will happen.

'Do you know how many people say that and then don't come back?'

I've made up my mind Lin. I promise you I'll be fine.

'Amelia as much as I know you that you are capable of great things. This is quite literally the worst idea you have ever come up with.'

And there will be many more to come. I'm so sorry Lin, but I'm so close to finishing this potion. I'll talk to you later.

'Please wai-'

With that, I closed my eyes and cleared my head. I'm really sorry Lin. I'll make it up to you soon.

I grabbed my wand and unlocked the window. I jumped out and began making my way in the direction of the forest. Luckily my room is on the bottom floor, so getting outside wasn't an issue. The forest was in view too.

I lightly jogged over. When I reached the edge of the forest it suddenly dawned on me that if I did get attacked by, no bad thoughts.

A Jobberknoll feather, just two is needed. They only live in this forest. The book says the bird makes no noise, except for the moment it dies.

Treading carefully I look up in the trees, the best way to do this is to find a nest and take a feather that might've fallen off.

After a couple minutes of wandering and searching I see a nest littered with blue feathers. It was a big tree, but I would just have to climb. I pocketed my wand and started my trek. Almost there...snap

The branch I had tried to step on broke. The sound echoed throughout the forest. Breaking the silence and tranquility. The sounds of animals and creatures rustling awake could be heard. I repositioned myself and continued on climbing, don't panic. Everything is fine. You're not in any danger.

After what seemed like ages, I finally reached the nest. The birds weren't there, and there were no eggs. This nest might've been abandoned. I grabbed a handful of feathers and stuffed them into my pocket before quickly climbing down. It was time to leave, no way am I staying in here any longe-

Before I could finish my thought there was a ground shaking thud. Any creature that was asleep in the forest certainly wasn't anymore. From the corner of my eye I could see a giant figure in the shadows. It seems like it had just knocked down a tree.

I couldn't move, frozen in fear more like.

When my senses finally came to I ran a short distance and ducked down behind a tree. Would this keep me safe? Most likely not, but at least now I was out of view.

It seems like another animal had the same idea as me. To my right I could see it's small figure cowering in the same manner as I. The thundering footsteps were getting closer and closer..

Silence. Stay silent. If you remain quiet and hidden you can escape. The animal looked too spooked to try and remain calm. No..don't do it-

Like I had expected it the animal made a break for it. The monstrous creature from earlier caught the movement and ran towards the animal, it wasn't long before it had the poor thing in it's grasp.

My eyes widened as I witnessed the catastrophe. No, no, no, no. This can't be happening. One hand immediately went to my mouth to silence any sound that might come out. I dug my nails into the palm of my other hand and shut my eyes tight in order to distract myself.

I sat there, cowering. I don't know how much time had passed. But when I finally looked up everything was at peace again. With my heart still pounding and my left hand throbbing I walked back to the castle. Never again.

As I was nearing my window I noticed how heavy I was breathing. I steadied myself on the cool bricks of the castle and tried to slow down my breath. All for some damn feathers.

I finally climbed through and took off my cloak.

I set two feathers into the cauldron and collapsed onto the space next to it. The adrenaline rush had come to a quick stop and now all I could do was listen to my heart beating like it's life depended on it.

My hand hurt like hell though, it was probably bleeding. I took a glance and noticed the irritated and red indents in my palm.

That seemed like a tomorrow problem. I soon fell asleep, drifting off to the sound of the potion bubbling softly.


(A/N:) It's been a while and I'd like to apologize for the long wait. I will be writing more, however I was wondering how many of you would continue to read if I continued? Just a quick survey

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