Chapter 15 - Old Habits

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(P.O.V- Amelia's) -

There was knocking at the door, who would be up at the Gryffindor dorms this early to wake her up?

"Breakfast will be ready soon Amelia." Severus' familiar voice was heard. Wait this wasn't the dorms.

Geez, what happened last night? My hands were throbbing and my body felt- the memories from last suddenly flooded my mind, tears pricked my eyes as the scene of that beast eating the animal replayed. What was I thinking, going out there by myself, I should have listened to Lin, who knows what could've happened.

'You absolute dunce'

Lin? I-I'm sorry.

'Do you realize the danger you put yourself in? You go into a place titled the forbidden forest and think everything will be fine and dandy?'

I didn't reply back, but I knew it was a horrible decision. I brought up my palm to examine the damage, but nothing was there. What? It couldn't have healed that quickly. I lightly press on where I remembered the marks being, but hissed as soon as I realized that the injury was still fresh. How though? There were no marks, not a single sign that I had been in the forest.

With a sigh I changed clothes and put up all the ingredients and tools I used previously.

Once I was proper I exited the room and quietly made my way towards the kitchen where Severus was busy reading a novel while preparing the food. I know I've seen many things while here at Hogwarts, however it is still nice to stand back and admire the magic.

"Are you always just going to stand there and lurk?" Though he asked light heartedly I was slightly shocked to be caught so easily.

"I-I sorry sir, I didn't mean to!"

"I...I'm just poking fun at you. Breakfast is almost done, you can have this while you wait." Severus tossed me an apple, on instinct I outstretched my hands to catch it.

Immediately I regretted that decision as the impact of the apple onto my palm made me wince and drop the item. Crap. I picked it back up and tried to scurry away, but of course Severus had already put his book down and made his way over to me.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm just really bad athletically." All I got in return was a stern face.

It was no use trying to lie again..

"I um..have a bit of a habit of digging my nails into my palms, but the marks always disappear the next day or an hour or two later. Though the pain always lingers.."

"Disappears...?" I heard him mumble to himself.

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(P.O.V- Severus')

When Amelia had dropped the apple I turned my head and rushed over to see what had happened. Did I throw it too hard? No it was just a light toss right? I haven't even been her guardian for a month and here I am already screwing things up even more.

Though when she explained what's been happening a thought occurred to me. 


After I casted the spell on her palm the irritated red marks began to appear.

"Oh my...Amelia..." I looked into her eyes and saw she had a tinge of fear, as if I would punish her for being hurt.

"You're not in trouble for anything I promise. Please...Please don't look so frightful. I'm just worried. It seems you've been subconsciously using a concealing charm to hide your injuries.

As I think of what potions I have on hand to treat the marks I notice her trying to stammer out a sentence, "If the next phrase you are going to say have the words I'm sorry or any variations of the sort I do not wish to hear it. This is in no way your fault. It was probably a habit you developed from living in that orphanage. You no longer have to hide these things."

With a defeated look on her face she replied, "Yes sir.."

"Enough with the sir nonsense. We're in private. And we've talked about situations like these before. I cannot properly take care of you if you keep hiding when you are hurt. Now, let's get you bandaged up so we can eat."

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(P.O.V- Amelia's) -

I felt a mixture of relief and guilt. I did tell him why the marks had appeared, but not that I had snuck out into the forest last night. I'm so fortunate that he cares this much to take care of me, and yet here I am being ungrateful and throwing away the secure life I've been given.

I set my now bandaged left palm on my knee as I ate. Severus had me drink a potion and put some ointment on my hand before wrapping it up. It stung, but it was feeling better now. 

Breakfast was very good, as usual, but I was too ridden with guilt to really enjoy it. I sensed that he had noticed as well, given the curious glances I had received during the meal.

"Thank've done so much for me..I hope I can repay you one d-" Before I could finished he raised a hand

"This is not something I am doing just so I can get something out of it later. Ok? I'll clean up. Why don't you go and hang out with your...Gryffindor..friends.."

I nod gratefully and make my way to leave, before I exit I turn back wave goodbye, "Um I'll see you later, have a nice afternoon Severus." 

And with that I make my way to the Gryffindor common room.

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