Chapter 3 - Breakfast

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July 31st, 1991 (P.O.V- Amelia's)-

It was strange. I've never been allowed to eat this much food.

"I'm..I'm sorry sir.."

"Why are you apologizing child?"

"You shouldn't be wasting this food on me." I responded back meekly.

"Listen here. You look like you haven't eaten in weeks. I will not let you leave this house without food in your stomach." He said sternly.

I looked up at him and focused my gaze back onto the plate once I saw his face. Picking up the fork I jabbed a bit at the eggs before bringing it up to my mouth. I felt guilty for eating the food. But it was delicious, I couldn't believe that someone had Did he care? Or was this just out of pity. I hated when people took pity on me. It didn't feel right. I didn't want to be looked down upon anymore. Although back at the orphanage I wanted mercy from Ms. Peterson. I don't want to be the kid everyone thought was a freak. But I guess that's what I am..a good for nothing freak.

I set the fork down after my second bite. I don't want to waste his food anymore. He probably did make it out of pity. Sever..Severus. That was his name. Severus had looked up from his meal and gave me a questioning look.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"I'm full..sir." I said, even though I was starving.

He furrowed his brows and set his utensils down.


I stayed quiet and looked down at my lap.

"Three more least.."

Now it was my turn to give him a curious look.

"Three more bites..then we can go. I want you to try to eat more. You can't possibly be full from two bites."

It was tempting. Plus how did he know I ate that many...nevermind. It was very tempting indeed, but no. I wouldn't eat it.

"I don't want to eat sir.."

"No, you don't want to eat. You need to eat." He rebutted.

'Well he's got a point.' a random voice spoke.

My eyes widened, but I bit my lip to prevent myself from shrieking.

What on earth was that..I thought.

'Oi! Are you calling me a that?!'

There it was again. At this point I might as well be put in a mental hospital.


'Finally a proper greeting.'

Who are you?

'Look here kid, right now isn't the correct time to ask. Mainly because that man sitting across from you is looking at you weirdly. That might be my fault though, you have been talking to me for the past 3 minutes.'

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Um. Yes, sorry sir."

"Well then...Eat your food."

I quickly picked up the fork and ate three more bites like he had said to. I was still curious to what that voice was, but for now..I'll just go with it.

"I'm finished sir."

"Good. Just so you know, you'll have to eat more next let's take you to diagon alley."

"We might need to get you some new muggle clothes as well."

'"muggle is someone who posses no magical abilities. Although two muggles can still have a child that can use magic. Those would be the muggleborns."

"Am I a muggleborn?"

"I do not know..But most likely yes."

I get out of my chair and take the plate in hand. I bring it to the sink, along with Severus's empty plate. I set them down start to wash them.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm washing the dishes sir." I quickly turn off the water.

"I'm sorry..what am I doing wrong? I didn't know if you had a special way of washing them or not, so I just did it the way I usually do it.." I mumbled, looking at the ground so I'd didn't have to make eye contact.

"Look. You don't have to wash them." He took out the magical object he used to cast spells. Which I had learned was a wand. And waved it. All of the sudden the plates were being washed.

It was astonishing to watch.

'Looks pretty neat.'

I was questioning whether I had thought that or was...The voice..

Maybe I could ask Severus about it? No. I don't want to bother him.


Ta - Da
I have posted another chapter on Monday, staying true to my word here.
Special thanks to BrianaToups2 for inspiring me to write another chapter. :)

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