Chapter 12- Learning New Things

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(P.O.V- Amelia's) -

I stared at the potion in the cupboard in pride. I created that, well with a little bit of help. But it was still something I did and I was proud. It wasn't much, just a simple potion. It was silly, there was no reason for it to be so memorable. It was the first potion me and Severus made together, and it has a lot of meaning to me. He probably just saw it as helping a student though.

With a sigh I got out the potion's book and wrote down what Severus had told me earlier about the porcupine quills and the berry juice. I think I'm starting to get the hang of potions now. I should start practicing on spells so I can broaden what I know. Defensive spells are always useful, but offensive ones seem more fun and give me more to work with.

What do you think Lin?


'I'm here.'

You weren't there when I was making the potion, I thought you might enjoy being there with me.

'As much as I do enjoy potions and want to know how far it's developed after all these years. I am, after all, dead. I am here to guide you, I'm here to make sure you are choosing the right path. There many things you do not yet know, but as far as I can tell. You are a curious soul, I'm not here to make your decisions for you. You have much ahead of you, I do not wish to burden you with such information just yet. So, have fun.'

That was a lot, I was just asking if you wanted to join in and make some potions with me and Severus.

'Alright listen here you little brat I was trying to be the nice and wise spirit who teaches you lessons, but I can be the one who interrupts your train of thought while taking a test too you know.'

Hey! Don't do that!

'Just. Relax, ok? You're still young. Enjoy it, don't put so much pressure on yourself just because everyone else seems more experienced.'

How did yo-

'You're a Gryffindor for a reason. Always so ambition and reckless to a fault. I'll be back later, don't get into too much trouble ok?'

Thank you Lin, goodbye.

I'm not sure how Lin knew, perhaps he was in a similar situation. Everyone at this school is so talented and all I am is an orphan who doesn't know anything about magic. I have to catch up. I can't be weak. Not anymore.

My room has a bookshelf in it, I already put my school books on one of the empty shelves. But there were already a few books previously there as well. A lot of them were 'Simple Charms for Simple Witches and Wizards' or 'Potions a Dunce Could Understand'.

However there was one that was a lot larger than the others. I grab it and sit on the floor with it on my lap. It was a large spell book. Kind of like a dictionary..but for spells. That was interesting.

I spend a few minutes reading and taking notes a spare piece of parchment I had lying around. I wrote out some notes and spells I wanted to try. Other than spells the book also had information on the basics of magic.

I think I understand now.

Spells. Simple spells are like the backbone of more complicated ones. You start learning the easy stuff and branch off. I should test it out. I've already successfully pulled off Incarcarous, which binds whatever you want with ropes. But...

Relashio forces my target to let go of what they're holding. So if they still have their wand in hand or weapon in hand then sort of like Expelliarmus, but this spell can knock back what I wish as well.

"RelaIncarcarous.." I mumble to myself. it could be useful.

I wonder that Harry and Ron are up to.


I had spent most of the afternoon cooped up in my room, when I had glanced up at the clock on the wall it was already nearing dinner. Well that was quick, oh crap Severus said to make sure I was at the table in time for dinner!

No, no, no, no, no I can't be late she'll punish me. I can't be late, my breathing quickened as I rush out the room and make my way to the dinner table. The plates were set and there was food. My eyes begin to water. No. Not again. She hated it when I was late, she'll...before my thoughts could wander more into what Ms. Peterson would do a man was in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders. He looked concerned, where was I?


How does he..Severus. Right, he's- he adopted me. Ms. Peterson isn't here, I'm at Hogwarts.

"Are you alright?" The voice spoke again.

I can't bring myself to look at him in the eyes. Staring at the floor I answered, "I'm sorry I'm late sir. I-I was reading. Please. I promise I'll be on time, I swear it!"


(P.O.V- Severus')

What did that Peterson woman do to her? Why didn't Dumbledore choose someone else to do this. Merlin, how do you deal with a traumatized child? I'm not..emotionally available.

"I'm not angry. I'm..look. I'm going to tell you this. I don't know what you've been through, but that woman won't hurt you anymore. I'm here."

"Now. Let's eat."

I'm not fit for this, I'll need to speak with Dumbledore again.

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