Caroline Flack's Daughter?! - Scares Everywhere.

Start from the beginning

   Jenny's eyes full of tears.

   "You don't care about the baby because it's not gonna be perfect?" She yelled. She shook her head in disgust. "Huh?! HUH?! You want this baby to be perfect so you can show it off to the media that we have a 'perfect kid'? That's exactly what I hoped you would never think."

    "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. It was just a thought. Everyone has bad thoughts." I tried explaining.

    "YES! But most people don't say it out loud unless it's something they've been hoping to say!" She yelled. I stepped back and let go of her hand. "Harry. I think you should go. I'll be fine here. I'll have the doctors call you if anything is up. Okay?"

   "NO!" I protested. "I want to be here for you! I want to be here just so I can make sure OUR baby is okay. It's our baby! Not just yours!"

    "BUT YOU DON'T SEEM TO CARE FOR THE BABY!" She yelled. Two arms wrap around me and pull me out of the room. It was Louis.

    "I heard what you said." Louis whispered. He shook his head and looked me up and down. "You crushed her. You don't believe how hard this is for her do you?!"

    "Lou I'm sorry! It's not my fault." I said.

    "Of course it's not your damn fault. Since when is it ever Harry Styles' the perfect guy ever's fault huh?" He said in a rude tone.

     "Louis I know you have a big crush on Jenny but she is mine. We are a baby together whether you like it or not." I snapped.

    "Wow," He said putting a smile on but it was a sarcastic smile I could tell. "That's pretty low. Even for you. I can't stand seeing her scared, hurt or upset."

    "Well, I can't either!" I yelled back.

    "Doesn't seem like it because one statement from you made her all those things." He said fast.

    "Well, sorry but she isn't yours that you need to take care o-" I tried saying but was interrupted by him.

   "I LOVE HER HARRY!" He yelled. I stepped back. "I fucking love Jennifer Flack. I love her to death. The day you two got together crushed me. I dumped Eleanor for her hoping you two wouldn't be together. She's my best friend Harry. I need her. I don't care if you two are together but all you keep doing is hurting her."

     "Listen, Lou," I started. "I'm sorry that we are falling for the same girl. I know it's hard for you but it's hard for me. I didn't mean that, what I said back there. It was just a random thought that I meant to have myself. I mean, our lives, my lives are already hard enough. I just want my daughter or son to have the best life they can and I plan on doing that no matter how much Jenny is angry at me."

    "I know, Haz." Louis said putting his hand on my shoulder. "But I think you should give her some time right now."

     I nodded even though I don't want to leave her. I started walking towards the boys but they all gave me glares so I headed outside and sat in the limo.

Jenny's POV

    I don't understand how much this hurts. It's like I'm screaming on the inside but no one can hear. I almost feel ashamed that someone could be this important to me that without them I would feel like nothing. I feel hopeless; like nothing can save me and when it's over it's gone. I almost wish that I could have all that bad stuff back so that I could have the good.

    "Jenny," A soft voice said. My back was facing them but I knew it was the boys. I could hear them all shuffle into the room quietly but quickly.

    "What?" I whispered but still not turning my back. I sniffed a bit from all the sobbing I've done.

    "Don't listen to what Harry said." Someone said. Liam. "He was just being a dick and wasn't thinking right. His mind is somewhere else right now."

    "I'd rather not talk about him right now please?" I snapped.

    "Sorry." He apologized.

    "Jenny, please look at us." Zayn said. I finally find the strength to turn around and look at the 4 boys.

   "I'm sorry guys." I said to them and tried smiling but my mouth trembled and shook.

   "It's okay babe." Zayn said walking towards me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it a bit.

   "No, it's not." I snapped. "You guys are spending all your time staying here worrying about me. You need to all go on your tour and live your dream, not worrying about an ex-girlfriend of Harry's. Okay. So, go! I mean it. Go."

    "We are not leaving you like this." Louis spoke up. It's been offly quiet. " We aren't just gonna abandon you like that okay?"

    "I don't want you guys here. I don't want you guys seeing me like this.  So go. I mean it. Just leave now." I said. I didn't want them to leave, but then again I did. "Goodbye, guys. I love you."

     "NO!" Louis protested. "We aren't leaving! Maybe Harry but not us! We aren't giving up on you! I can't stand seeing you like this!"

     "THEN LEAVE!" I yelled pointing towards the door. I knew that was the only way to get them to leave. Louis fled towards the door and my eyes filled with tears.

    "Goodbye, Jenny." The other boys said. They all kissed my forehead and walked out. I started sobbing and suddenly my stomach caved in as someone was sucking my stomach inside of me.

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