"Hey loser"

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(Sup Hollanders!.... well I suppose you're Hollanders 😂. Just saying, this is my first story, and I am shit at writing anyway! So, good luck trying to enjoy!)

Great. Another day at school. I mean don't get me wrong, it's not that bad, but it's not what everyone wants to spend 18 years of their lives doing. Oh where are my manners?? My name is Y/n L/n, and I'm 15. I moved to Queens  from Washington a few years ago, and so far, things are pretty chill. I don't have many friends, I've always been the shy type, so never really been the one to start up a friendly conversation. Anyway, It was break ( this is what I call it I'm sorry I am English aaah) and I went to go and eat. There was only one table which didn't have 20 sweaty kids all crowded together doing whatever the hell they do. I saw a girl, who seemed occupied in her books, sat alone, so I sat 2 seats away from her, just in case I was a waste of total existence to her. But then I heard a voice.
"Hey loser"
Eh, it's the truth I guess. I turn around to see the girl looking directly at me.
"... yes??" I responded, worried of what she was going to say.
" I'm not scary am I?" She asked, completely poker faced.
" uh, no, why?" At this she raised a brow.
" cuz you sat away from me." My mouth made a slight "O" shape. I sat next to her and smiled slightly.
And this was the start of the biggest change in my life...

( yaaaaay 1st chapter yeeeee. Probably shit, but it will do!! I'm going to TRY and update this as much as I can!! Also, sorry that Peter isn't in this chapter!! I can confirm he will be in the next one!!)

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