Feb 'V' ary Special

Começar do início

V moved and crossed his arms. The  he watched her running her fingers to the hanged clothes, trying to look for a perfect dress for her literature teacher.

She grabbed a plain white long sleeved polo and a blue ripped jeans. And handed it to the Literature teacher.

Angel Grace:
  "These will fit with those rubber shoes you're wearing."

Mr. Jung nodded and received Angel Grace's choice.

Jimin just kept his silence while watching Angel Grace judging the three of them by the way she stared.

Angel Grace shook her head and giggled.

Angel Grace:
  "Officer Hannah is a simple woman. She'll like the way you look for sure. And she doesn't like fancy dates and stuffs. Just a walk around Last Town's Flower Park will do. Trust me, Mr. Jung. Officer Hannah preferred something that won't make her remember Mr. Min Yoongi."

V rolled his eyes. Everything was fine until she brought up the name of the  attorney's son.

But the guardian angel just smiled and ruffled her hair.

Mr. Jung Hoseok:
   "Thank you, Angel Grace. I'll remember everything you said."

Angel Grace moved towards the stairs. But before she left, she asked for a little favor from her literature teacher.

Angel Grace:
  "Mr. Jung, please tell Officer Hannah to pick the best pink carnation for me :) "

She smiled and left V's room.

  "Pink carnation ~ "

Jimin giggled. His cousin knew nothing what it was.

  "It's a flower."


V was glaring at his cousin while pissedfully removing each single petal of the pink carnation he picked at the Flower Park where the guardian angel and the ex officer were taking a stroll.

  "I still can't believe why I have to be with you - spying on the guardian angel."

Jimin softly giggled while adjusting the lense of his binocular.

  "This is better than you staying in your bed for a whole day. At least you made yourself productive."

V threw the remaining pink carnation and punched his cousin's shoulder.

  "Ohh! They're about to kiss - "

V imediately grabbed the binocular from Jimin to see the kiss for himself. But turned out, the archangel just tricked him. The guardian angel with Jeon Hannah were just talking and laughing.

Boring -

V hit Jimin with the binocular after seeing him laughing for tricking him. Then he left the angel after getting the whole boring and uninteresting thing nonsense to him.

As he was walking at the park's aisle, he saw some pink carnations  that were fully bloomed. He smirked and then continued walking.


Angel Grace turned the faucet on and started watering the plants on their front yard. Then she saw V entering the lawn with his hands inside his pocket. She smirked. He looked cold and arrogant as always.

She caught V checking on her. Then she raised her eyebrow and glared at him before she looked away.

She didn't bother asking whether he had an idea if Jeon Hannah and Jung Hoseok's date went well. She knew he wouldn't answer her.

After a while, as she continued to water the grasses and some flowering plants, she noticed a shade of pink a few steps from where she was standing.

Angel Grace immediately walked towards the thing that caught her eyes and saw some full grown pink carnations planted on the ground.

She screamed from joy and V was able to notice it. He crossed his arms while trying not to get noticed at the house's porch.

Surprise surprise ~


V entered in his room. He stared at the ceiling and sighed. Something was bothering him and that was the truth he found out while digging for some information.

He sighed and tossed the notepad the ex officer gave him.

He caught it right away and plopped himself to bed.

  "That Min Yoongi -- he is alive."



"Happy 'V' lentine's day, human."

V Morningstar [BTS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora