   "Your father was worried by the kind of change you were showing."

V glared at Jimin.

  "Don't bring that up."

Jimin pouted as he layed on the bed.

   "Why not?"

V sighed.

  "Because I'm not changing."

Jimin tossed his phone in the air and caught it back.

   "Yes, I could tell."

V grabbed Jimin's phone and read the messages on it.

   "I still despise his decision of throwing me here."

Jimin nodded.

   "Your father felt the same."

V gave him a confused look.

   "He said you're turning into something."

V knitted his eyebrows. Was his cousin referring to the change his father meant?

   "A human's nature."

The soft side, the disturbed thoughts of him.

Jimin emphasized those words. He wanted to tell him how  the Heaven and Hell noticed how and what he felt for Father Philippe, for Officer Heavens at the orphanage and probably for the young Heavens.

V smirked as he found it nonesense. He would never turn into someone whose workshop is that of the devil's for he was the devil himself. Never would he become like that of the filthy ungrateful creatures. Those who take advantage of someone's weakness and those who chose to sin and defy his Grandfather's will.

  "Humans are still disgusting to me."

Jimin stood and changed himself into the Archangel as he is.

  "Is that why you killed Luke?"

The son of the devil just let out his evil smirk and laid on his bed.


- Next Morning -

Angel Grace took a deep breath.

The University's roof top.

Probably where the sender of the cryptic messages wanted her to meet. She was scared but ones and for all, she wanted to end the chase. Why she was being given such threats and the reason of the deaths.

Oh, my sweet Angel Grace. Come to me and I'll bring you to heaven.

Let's get naked :)

V Morningstar [BTS]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें