I Wouldn't Mind

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Lucy Pov

  When the lunch bell rang I knew where I was going. The choir room. They had lunch now too, so the room should be empty, and I could feel myself needing an escape. I hadnt danced, or sang in a while, but I felt like now, I had to. I needed a way to calm my hyped nerves.
  When I reached the choir room, just as I predicted, was void of people. I sighed in relief. I took a microphone, went to the computer, hooked up a song, and as the song played my heart pounded in my chest.
  Then it came. Where I was suppose to start singing.
  "Merrily we fall out of line out of line. I'd fall anywhere with you in by your side. Swinging in the rain humming melodies, we're not going anywhere until we freeze." I sang into the mic, letting my body move with the music and the lyrics. My heart seemed to join in.
  "I'm not afraid any more I'm not afraid," I transitioned as the lyrics slowed and changed.
  "For ever is a long time, but I wouodnt mind spending it by your side," I sang, continuing to move around the room, dancing, and again transitioned to the original pace of the song.
  "Carefully we place for our destiny you came and you took this hear and set it free. Everything you write or sing is so warm to so warm to me, I'm torn I'm torn to be right where you are," My mind was no longer registering the lyrics I sang or the moves I made, instead I was caught up with thoughts of Natsu. His warm smile and how he couldn't shut up, especially if he was passionate about what he was talking about, which was pretty much everything. My heart squeezed in my chest. I really was torn. I wanted so badly for him to want me hoe I had wanted him, but I couldn't make a person like me, and I couldn't be friends with someone who was hust going to play me again no matter how much my heart wanted it.
  "I'm not afraid anymore I'm not afraid," I sang, this time realizing that's exactly what I was. I was afraid. I was afraid of falling for Natsu all over again.
  "For ever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side," the lyrics echoed in my head. I thought for a mere moment about a future together with Natsu, and knew it wouldn't happen, even though it was appealing.
  "Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile, I wouldnt mind it, at all, I wouldn't mind it at all." I felt my heart swell. Oh how true that was. I loved Natsus smile. It was one of his most deffined and appealing attributes. It was hard resist smiling back when he did.
  "You so know me, pinch me gently, I can hardly breathe," I sang effortlessly, now thinking about how well he did know me. He knew me so well, it seemed impossible to think of something he didn't know about me.
  "For ever is a long, long time," I paused, "but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that, smile, I wouldn't mind it at all," my heard squeezed inside my chest as it longed for Natsus affection. I longed for Natsu and I knew in that moment as I stoped my dance to sing the last verse that I still loved Natsu. "I wouldn't mind it at all."

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